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More stars than there is grains of sand on our planet each star having a couple of planets and people think we are unique and all on our lonesome
After the bob lazar rabbit hole in went down i do believe there are extraterrestrials far more advanced than us and we arnt being told about what the government know.
Have extraterrestrial beings visited the earth?
I really don't think so, but that is not to say that they definately haven't.
Is there other life in the universe apart from us?
After the bob lazar rabbit hole in went down i do believe there are extraterrestrials far more advanced than us and we arnt being told about what the government know.
I think the more credible eye witness accounts are just glimpses into top secret technologies that we ourselves have developed.
The only thing that could be an issue is ufos have been reported for hundreds of years

So true.

'Apparently' this is supposed to be the year of disclosure....then again, i have heard that before....
There's a lot of woofing on here.

Can someone feed the dogs?
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