What effects does our environment have on NHI? I guess those that are hiding crash retrievals know the answers!
That's why they are termed NHI because they are not the actual aliens but a bio construction designed by them to be able to survive in our environment. Which is why there are many reports of abductions as they refine their biology based on ours. Just the simple fact that we have around 14.7 lb per square inch pressing down on us not to mention our world is packed full on micro organisms and virus and bacteria many of which we live with on a symbiotic basis. Means any old alien cannot just turn up so they send the greys.
That's why they are termed NHI because they are not the actual aliens but a bio construction designed by them to be able to survive in our environment. Which is why there are many reports of abductions as they refine their biology based on ours. Just the simple fact that we have around 14.7 lb per square inch pressing down on us not to mention our world is packed full on micro organisms and virus and bacteria many of which we live with on a symbiotic basis. Means any old alien cannot just turn up so they send the greys.
That's why they are termed NHI because they are not the actual aliens but a bio construction designed by them to be able to survive in our environment. Which is why there are many reports of abductions as they refine their biology based on ours. Just the simple fact that we have around 14.7 lb per square inch pressing down on us not to mention our world is packed full on micro organisms and virus and bacteria many of which we live with on a symbiotic basis. Means any old alien cannot just turn up so they send the greys.

Sounds plausible...
Likelihood of aliens elsewhere in the universe with about 2T galaxies we can see? High.

But they are most likely in other galaxies, as the chances of another civilisation in the same galaxy at the same time is remote.
The Earth is about 4.3B years old.
We only have evidence of life going back to 3.7B years ago.
Then, it was just slime, and no multicellular lifeforms until about 1.6 to 1.7B years ago.
Humans have been around for about 300,000years, and only been able to transmit to space for about 100 years.

The Earth is relatively old, and in a "safe" area of our galaxy. So there are many stars where you would not expect to find intelligent life owing to the likelihood of mass extinctions. Added to that, the fact that many planets in the galaxy are not as old as ours, it is highly unlikely that we will be visited by aliens anytime soon. The odds that one will turn up while human civilisation is around is remote in the extreme.

It is likely that there is a great deal of slime in the galaxy.
Likelihood of aliens elsewhere in the universe with about 2T galaxies we can see? High.

But they are most likely in other galaxies, as the chances of another civilisation in the same galaxy at the same time is remote.
The Earth is about 4.3B years old.
We only have evidence of life going back to 3.7B years ago.
Then, it was just slime, and no multicellular lifeforms until about 1.6 to 1.7B years ago.
Humans have been around for about 300,000years, and only been able to transmit to space for about 100 years.

The Earth is relatively old, and in a "safe" area of our galaxy. So there are many stars where you would not expect to find intelligent life owing to the likelihood of mass extinctions. Added to that, the fact that many planets in the galaxy are not as old as ours, it is highly unlikely that we will be visited by aliens anytime soon. The odds that one will turn up while human civilisation is around is remote in the extreme.

It is likely that there is a great deal of slime in the galaxy.
Sounds plausible.
There is also thought in the UFO community that NHI may actually have been here much longer than us. Living in our oceans (lots of sightings of UAP's going under the water).
There is also thought in the UFO community that NHI may actually have been here much longer than us. Living in our oceans (lots of sightings of UAP's going under the water).
Like Dolphins, which are more intelligent than some humans.
Probably our greatest achievement. Apollo = the fastest man has travelled in space and the greatest distance.
Look how far we gave come, I.e backwards, lol.
Technically wrong the fastest man has travelled in space is 720000 kmph
10s of billions of potentially habitable planets in the Milky Way. The chances of us being alone even in this galaxy are remote. That’s not to say they have popped over for a pint at ‘spoons.