You flatter them so.
you should see the guff posted by Atlanteans about the pyramids - eye-watering stuff. Bloody Breatharians wanging on about the synchronicty of the universe. The kind of folk who think flat-earthers are talking common sense. Mad as a bag o' frogs. Sometimes i'll join a chat just for larks.
back when and whose civilisation ?
The one that built the pyramids and understood the maths to achieve it. Meanwhile our cathedrals were falling down 500 years ago on the understanding that God decided which ones would stay up.
The one that built the pyramids and understood the maths to achieve it. Meanwhile our cathedrals were falling down 500 years ago on the understanding that God decided which ones would stay up.
Some of the Pyramids collapsed too. The evolution of the architecture over a few thousand years is quite interesting.

I read about it in a history book about Egyptian dynasties a few months ago.
The first one at Saqqara is a pile of rubble but you have to be impressed by the Great Pyramid where they achieved an alignment accuracy of 1mm per meter using little more than sticks and a length of rope.
The first one at Saqqara is a pile of rubble but you have to be impressed by the Great Pyramid where they achieved an alignment accuracy of 1mm per meter using little more than sticks and a length of rope.
yeah that length of rope to know the size of the planet must have been some length
Some of the Pyramids collapsed too. The evolution of the architecture over a few thousand years is quite interesting.

I read about it in a history book about Egyptian dynasties a few months ago.
Those pesky aliens throwing a curve ball
without googling it for all you pyramid experts how many sides does the great pyramid have
Your first thought will be 4
And just think how clever these pyramid builders were a few thousand years ago to manage to build one under water in the middle of the Atlantic .
Must have floated the stones there
Amazing how peoples the world over suddenly thought lets build the biggest structurers ever made and lets make them pyramid shaped whilst still living in mud brick houses
The Sumarians had been building ziggurats for a long time before then: the Egyptians just upgraded the design. Graham Hancock reckons the folk of the Indus Valley beat 'em to it by several thousand years and he's convinced a more advanced civilisation thrived in that region before a worldwide flood inundated the coastline - he might be right.
The Sumarians had been building ziggurats for a long time before then: the Egyptians just upgraded the design. Graham Hancock reckons the folk of the Indus Valley beat 'em to it by several thousand years and he's convinced a more advanced civilisation thrived in that region before a worldwide flood inundated the coastline - he might be right.
That would be Meltwater pulse 1B, most likely the source of all flood stories of which the bible is only 1 of them including the much older The Epic of Gilgamesh - also Sumerian.

That would be Meltwater pulse 1B, most likely the source of all flood stories of which the bible is only 1 of them including the much older The Epic of Gilgamesh - also Sumerian.

25mm rise per year, the bible really oversells a lot of this stuff.
you should see the guff posted by Atlanteans about the pyramids - eye-watering stuff. Bloody Breatharians wanging on about the synchronicty of the universe. The kind of folk who think flat-earthers are talking common sense. Mad as a bag o' frogs. Sometimes i'll join a chat just for larks.
That's a well known technique used to debunk actual sightings of a UFO (as reported ) that was probably a sighting of human top secrete tec so they get some red neck quoting "yerrh say ahh did seen it mah" and the the actual sighting gets ignored.