I know. Just stating that throughout history, nobody has been able to come forward with a feasible way that those 80 ton blocks were lifted up that high, let alone the smaller blocks that make up the pyramid...
The could absolutely have used ramps and rollers. That's not in question, we don't know if they did or used some clever levers. But we know it's possible, unlike reactionless drives and flying saucers.
Still the same questions though. How did an earlier civilisation get the blocks up there? The answer could just be, "we don't know". That doesn't mean it wasn't the Egyptians at the time, but it is the most obvious answer.
So if it was the egyptians of the time where did all this super building knowledge disappear to
Have you got a link, or a clue what to search for?
What you suddenly lost the ability to google - that ability that you constantly use after being schooled on a subject -so then google it and then come back on here spouting stuff like you knew all along - fraud
So you think that The only purpose of Aliens travelling impossibly immense distances,

would be to build a few stone monuments, and then Bugger off.
I have no idea what their reason was but yes I believe stone henge and pyramids were quite possibly built by them.
I have no idea what their reason was but yes I believe stone henge and pyramids were quite possibly built by them.

Do you think if humans travelled 25,300,000,000,000 miles to the nearest Star.
Assuming it had a planet with intelligent life on it, which would be highly unlikely.
That we would take tools with us, to build a pyramid......... you are having a laugh.
Here’s a funny fact that you may have overlooked. Whenever you see structures on other planets is it a coincidence that they are always pyramid shaped?
Of course it means exactly that
So one possible explanation is that the Egyptians used methods that we don't fully understand. There has already been a post showing one man manoeuvring a 10 ton block on here. What could thousands of Egyptians achieve?

But no, you prefer aliens or an advanced civilisation did it, then disappeared. Ok.
So one possible explanation is that the Egyptians used methods that we don't fully understand. There has already been a post showing one man manoeuvring a 10 ton block on here. What could thousands of Egyptians achieve?

But no, you prefer aliens or an advanced civilisation did it, then disappeared. Ok.
Well it is as bizarre as your explanation. Thousands of Egyptians moving a stone hundreds of miles and then faced with having to go fetch another.