Do you think if humans travelled 25,300,000,000,000 miles to the nearest Star.
Assuming it had a planet with intelligent life on it, which would be highly unlikely.
That we would take tools with us, to build a pyramid......... you are having a laugh.
I used to have a Volkswagen van with more miles on it than that :)
If you was one of those fetching the stone and they said go get another I would be questioning how big this building is going to be. Another point is where are the architectural drawings for these pyramids? Nobody has ever found as much as a plan.
Well it is as bizarre as your explanation. Thousands of Egyptians moving a stone hundreds of miles and then faced with having to go fetch another.
No, it is all reasonably explained.

"The Nile was used to transport supplies and building materials to the pyramids. During the annual flooding of the Nile, a natural harbor was created by the high waters that came conveniently close to the plateau. These harbors may have stayed water-filled year round. Some of the limestone came from Tura, across the river, granite from Aswan, copper from Sinai, and cedar for the boats from Lebanon. The foundations of the pyramids were laid with limestone blocks mined by masons using copper chisels. Contrary to popular belief, the Egyptians built the Giza pyramids up from the bedrock of the plateau, not over a flat sandy base. Khufu, in fact, was built around a small rock knoll. Building stones were predominantly limestone and granite, while mudbrick was used earlier for mastabas."

You have much more explaining to do if it was aliens or an advanced civilisation who suddenly disappeared.
No, it is all reasonably explained.

"The Nile was used to transport supplies and building materials to the pyramids. During the annual flooding of the Nile, a natural harbor was created by the high waters that came conveniently close to the plateau. These harbors may have stayed water-filled year round. Some of the limestone came from Tura, across the river, granite from Aswan, copper from Sinai, and cedar for the boats from Lebanon. The foundations of the pyramids were laid with limestone blocks mined by masons using copper chisels. Contrary to popular belief, the Egyptians built the Giza pyramids up from the bedrock of the plateau, not over a flat sandy base. Khufu, in fact, was built around a small rock knoll. Building stones were predominantly limestone and granite, while mudbrick was used earlier for mastabas."

You have much more explaining to do if it was aliens or and advanced civilisation who suddenly disappeared.
Get a grip. Why would they undertake such a mammoth task to begin with. As for demonstrations on here. Pplleeeassse. Give me a break. The leading archeological brains cannot explain how they
Have you noticed how wild and unlikely the explanations are in trying to describe how the Egyptian did it - they are in themselves extraordinary claims and yet no one asks for extraordinary proof like they do with other non Egyptian theory’s.
Do you think if humans travelled 25,300,000,000,000 miles to the nearest Star.
Assuming it had a planet with intelligent life on it, which would be highly unlikely.
That we would take tools with us, to build a pyramid......... you are having a laugh.

There is thought out there that the pyramids were not built as tombs.....no mummies were found in them, no writings, no paintings.......

A man made structure exists - therefore it was built by man. One can speculate as to how man built it, but the fact remains that it was man made.
How do you know who built them, everything is assumptions and theories so no it isnt as simple as you try to portray.
So one possible explanation is that the Egyptians used methods that we don't fully understand. There has already been a post showing one man manoeuvring a 10 ton block on here. What could thousands of Egyptians achieve?

But no, you prefer aliens or an advanced civilisation did it, then disappeared. Ok.

Egyptians always included how they did things in the paintings. So, why is it that they never ever showed/drew how they built the pyramids? Never.

I dont think they built them, no. They inherited them. From a much more superior civilization. Thousands of years before.

The egyptians had extremely primitive tools. Copper chisels. Stone hammers.......no, no way they could carve the toughest stones known to man with those implements into exquisite statues that are mm symmetrical etc
I disagree, there is plenty of evidence, not least that they are actually there.
No thats the problem, there isn't much evidence at all. No plans or drawings ever found. You cannot build something like a pyramid without actually drawing it first or how do you know how high it is going to be, also the Egyptian's had plenty of other drawings, just not the pyramids.