What is frustrating is that we provide the evidence of Alien intervention and all they keep harping on about is that they were built by thousands of men with a copper chisel. For god sake I give up. ALIENS built them, it is flippin obvious even without the proof provided
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With what then?

Thats the million dollar question.....

They just know that it is impossible to carve a unique statue made out of granite or dolomite with a copper chisel!

Ask any stone mason and they will tell you that. It has been studied.

In all probability, according to many commentators on the subject, it was done by a different civilization with a much more superior knowledge and unique tools.

These statues and pyramids and stone vases, they believe, were adopted by the Egyptians of the time...
And with no answer it's just blind faith. Not for me.

Nope...its just showing that the method of carving ornate statues out of granite or dolomite is impossible!! Thats fact. Nothing to do with blind faith....