UFO's / UAP's ?

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I’m still waiting for the answer to my question. Not an explanation or video of how a little hole is made. But core 7 was cored 500x better than today’s technology?
He doesn’t prove anything now. Just posts a bit of a ramble.
i wonder what his debunk is going to be over the similar glyphs of helicopter etc at the Amon ra temple at karnak
Proof that drilling granite can happen with materials available in Egyptian times. Well blow me down...
But not at the rate of core 7. Clearly you can’t comprehend the significance.
Vitrification is a puzzler. Years ago i watched a beardy chap trying to replicate the process in Scotland where a vitrified fort still stands. He used a huge pile of wood in the attempt to melt stone and in the end produced a small amount, leaving the question of how such a huge volume of stone could become so hot unanswered.
Probably not.

*Mind you, experts still can't work out how Stradivarius made his violins and i'm damn sure Aliens had f. all to do with that.
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i wonder how he will explain the great pyramid being a scale model of the polar circumference as well as equatorial circumference how would they know these distances
They flew over the area to map the distances. Obviously.
A worker left his chisel in the pyramid overnight by accident and that's how they found out how to keep razor blades sharp.
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