UFO's / UAP's ?

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Having been inside a couple of pyramids and seeing how perfectly flat the massive granite blocks are with joints you cant even slip a fag paper into i totally believe it was all done by copper chisels and wooden ,mallets :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:.
Very strange how pyramids are all over the world even in europe yep civilisation the world over suddenly just thought tell you what lets build these massive pyramid shaped buildings .
should we put denso into melt down with the thought of them being in Antartica and Cydonia
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Having been inside a couple of pyramids and seeing how perfectly flat the massive granite blocks are with joints you cant even slip a fag paper into i totally believe it was all done by copper chisels and wooden ,mallets :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:.
Very strange how pyramids are all over the world even in europe yep civilisation the world over suddenly just thought tell you what lets build these massive pyramid shaped buildings .
should we put denso into melt down with the thought of them being in Antartica and Cydonia
And that's proof they were built by aliens?
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i wonder how he will explain the great pyramid being a scale model of the polar circumference as well as equatorial circumference how would they know these distances
How are you going to explain it was aliens?
the saqarra plane that has been scaled up and proved it would actually fly
"Strangely, unlike any known bird, the tail was rotated 90 degrees to the vertical, as if forming a rudder. As a result, if one were to try to fly it, or think of it as a bird, the design lacks the pitch stabilization that derives from a horizontal stabilizer, making actual flight impossible. "

We must have got the thicko aliens.
I've been to the Great Pyramid and seen how snug the blocks fit - it's my understanding they'd chisel along a premarked line then use wedges to split along the 'grain' to save a great deal of time and effort. It didn't always work out. You can see failed attempts in quarries all over Egypt and Sudan.
Pyramids 'spring up' across the world at different times is explained by Convergent Evolution', where different people have similar ideas despite never meeting in person.
No it wasn't, I've already shown you that but you decided TikTok was better evidence.
It’s well noted that the core rate can’t be achieved now.

So you’ve proved less than nothing as usual.
"Strangely, unlike any known bird, the tail was rotated 90 degrees to the vertical, as if forming a rudder. As a result, if one were to try to fly it, or think of it as a bird, the design lacks the pitch stabilization that derives from a horizontal stabilizer, making actual flight impossible. "

We must have got the thicko aliens.
Who mentioned aliens
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