That old chestbut, isnt it strange how the mutilations only occur where nuke testing has been done in the past and the only parts of the cow cut out are the parts that can store radiation, or something like that.
Not entirely true, there have been mutilations in Britain and I think France too where there have been no nuclear tests. However,, that said the remains of the animals raises as many questions as it answers, why would any body , human or alien, actually bother to return the carcass after organ removal if they were trying to conceal something ?More likely I think is the whole thing is a huge red herring like some ufo reports to draw attention away from something else, usually military testing and so on.
Bodgeit makes a valid and very practical point, it must be expensive in money resorces and time to send a ship across the vast distances of space in order to achieve pretty much nothing.
And as to everybody carrying camera phones, well yes a lot do but most are always looking downwards to their phone rather than up to the skys.