You have to be very small minded to assume we are the only intelligemce out there.
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If the planet earth is xyz years old, there are many more many billions of years older, so to suggest that intelligent life doesn't exist out there, and presume that they are basic alien life, is unjust. But frankly, it is difficult, and Alarm'ing, to see normal life here on Earth?
Personally I do believe in life more and less advanced on other planets.

Not entirely sure if the 'sightings and abductions' are real though. I think if they are here, then we will never know and they will be a heavily guarded secret by the governments who will be working with them (by force or fear, who knows.

It also seems that over the last 100years, the amount of way we have come technology wise does seem very accelerated. One minute were using horse and carts, the next minute were flying and have Ipads! Seems to me we may have had a helping hand.

Having said that the reptilian brain is not dead yet - Look how easily we devolve into 'numpties' when land, resources or religion are involved. Don't think intelligent life has anything to fear from us yet :)
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If the planet earth is xyz years old, there are many more many billions of years older, so to suggest that intelligent life doesn't exist out there, and presume that they are basic alien life, is unjust. But frankly, it is difficult, and Alarm'ing, to see normal life here on Earth?

Being a fool again I see.
Go on YouTube and search for Ancient Aliens. Not sure if I believe at lot of it but it's very interesting and thought provocing.
Sounds like you put a lot of thought into it. ;)
get real you lot.. there are billions of stars out there....... so many we can't comprehend.... and a few planets with the 'goldilocks' credentials !!

The point is that us humans have been in a vegetative state for thousands of years, and we've been active outside of the confines of this planet for less than 100 years which in real terms is a fraction of a blink of an eye...

why oh why do you believe that other life forms have developed at exactly the same rate as ours? 10,000 years is a mere blip in the life of the universe, yet to us, is absolutley so massive it's unbelievably massive !!! (i can't even find words !!)..

So a life form discovering a 100 years of technology, similar to ours is just nonsense !!!!

isn't it?
Ive read about it , right back when Von Daniken wrote ''chariots of the gods'' and ''return to the stars'', from Nostrodamus summoning aliens by reading passages from''The seven keys of Solomon'' to Researching the Nephelim and their place in our world. It's something I have had a deep interest in for a long time and yes , I can conclude that it's all ******.
If there are aliens on earth it's more likely that they have always been here and if we ever do travel to other worlds we wont do it via any machine or mechanical device, astral projection is just as likely to bring us to other places than any machine we can ever dream of, because thats all we can do where travelling to distant stars is concerned, dream about it.
The human brain is much more powerful than any conceivable machine we could ever build, it's just a pity we are unable , or , have forgotten how to use all of it.
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