UK inflation 80% caused by brexit

Feck me, how far back do you want to go? Okay, I'll have a go at that. "Germany expects to conquer the U.K. in latest world war".
Because 2016 is when businesses started to plan for Brexit.

ie the beginning of brexit damage.
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Poor mottie should be embarrassed that he stands by the lying, incompetent brexer government

I wonder what today's figures would be.

The OPs post is misleading. High inflation due to leaving the single market/EU, is one thing, high inflation due to self imposed immigration controls is entirely fixable.
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The OPs post is misleading. High inflation due to leaving the single market/EU, is one thing, high inflation due to self imposed immigration controls is entirely fixable.
there isnt an easy fix

FOM allows access to fast, flexible itinerant workers.

Its cheap to get on an Easy Jet flight from eastern Europe, its not cheap and easy to to get on a flight from India, Pakistan or wherever you might think alternative seasonal workers might come from

the govt could fix the restriction on low pay low skill worker visas, but thats it

And there is no fix for: rule of origin checks, transit documents, sanitary and phytosanitary controls, custom declarations
there isnt an easy fix

FOM allows access to fast, flexible itinerant workers.

Its cheap to get on an Easy Jet flight from eastern Europe, its not cheap and easy to to get on a flight from India, Pakistan or wherever you might think alternative seasonal workers might come from

the govt could fix the restriction on low pay low skill worker visas, but thats it

And there is no fix for: rule of origin checks, transit documents, sanitary and phytosanitary controls, custom declarations
Well, we left the EU over two summers ago now. I cant remember there being any shortages of fruit and veg or massive price hikes because of Brexit, loss of cheap foreign slave labour and the so-called mountains of Brexit paperwork. Perhaps it's just my local supermarket that hasn't had any problem importing fresh fruit and veg at competitive prices which makes your argument seem rather weak.
Well, we left the EU over two summers ago now. I cant remember there being any shortages of fruit and veg or massive price hikes because of Brexit, loss of cheap foreign slave labour and the so-called mountains of Brexit paperwork. Perhaps it's just my local supermarket that hasn't had any problem importing fresh fruit and veg at competitive prices which makes your argument seem rather weak.
I am so sorry your google doesnt work

let me help you:

Oct 2021:Farmer forced to throw away acres of crops due to 'lack of workers caused by Brexit'
A Coventry farmer was forced to throw tonnes of crops before they rot due to worker shortages on his farm since Brexit

Sep 2021 FT:
UK fruit and vegetable growers are cutting their planting for 2022 after unprecedented labour shortages led to widespread wastage of produce

UK gov report:
Association noted that “10% of cucumber growing members didn't plant a third crop” in July 2021 due to a lack of workers.

In England crops are left to rot as there are not enough workers to pick them…​

UK crops left to rot after drop in EU farm workers in Britain after Brexit referendum​

Vegetables are rotting in fields due to 'chronic' crop picker and driver shortage as recruitment bosses urge government to let in TEN TIMES more foreign workers to solve supply crisis​

Almost a quarter of the UK daffodil crop was left unpicked. Fruit suppliers were forced to leave produce rotting in the fields.
A lack of skilled butchers and abattoir workers meant some 35,000 pigs destined to be made into sausages, bacon and chops were incinerated or rendered - reduced to lard.
Chronic labour shortages in the food and farming sector could lead to price rises and the UK becoming more dependent on food imports, MPs warn.
The report by the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee said Covid and Brexit had a huge impact on the sector.

Hunt for fruit pickers extends 6,000 miles as shortage bites​

Fruit pickers are being flown up to 6,000 miles to the UK from Barbados, Nepal, Tajikistan, Kenya, the Philippines and elsewhere because farms cannot find British or European workers.
I'm surprised the lefties on this forum like the idea of exploiting low paid workers. Crop picking shortages have been an issue long before we left the EU

If Boris Johnson had come up with a plan to replace hard working British farm workers with cheap imported labour, the lefties would be frothing. I actually think its great for low paid people that there are difficulties filling low paid jobs. Guess what, things have to change, farmers either need to automate or pay decent wages and provide good living conditions.

Supermarkets are more to blame than Brexit
Not mentioned that recently but we have the highest infaltion level in the G7 a week or so ago. France's was surprisingly low. Bidding for gas caused ships a long way from here to change destination and head here. The food import checks intended to be applied soon have been postponed as it appears that they will increase prices and it seems we are going to allow GM in. "That will help with the boarder in the sea". Suppose it may bring prices down - pass.

All sorts has happened in the immigration area. People returning to their original country, covid and brexit related. Some just going back.Then the controls. The headline one has been pickers at times. There has been no intention of ending immigration really. Desirables will fill jobs that could be filled by nationals. Others - well best to wait and see. Noises to keep Brexit nationalists happy is one thing reality may be something else.

Brexit caused an economic stutter that wasn't insignificant and not suffered by other countries. Latest western economics seems to be based on the idea that all economies should be able to support a base rate of ~2.5%. That doesn't sound like it ties in with use for inflation control that well to me. Can the UK risk increasing it? People who invest in capex want a decent return and that % influences it. Inflation can too.

Then comes more recent "issues" causing price increases.

Larger business importers from the EU from a manufacturer or distributor. Brexit has made no significant difference to them at all. Exporters ???????? Some small ones have suffered.
I'm surprised the lefties on this forum like the idea of exploiting low paid workers. Crop picking shortages have been an issue long before we left the EU

If Boris Johnson had come up with a plan to replace hard working British farm workers with cheap imported labour, the lefties would be frothing. I actually think its great for low paid people that there are difficulties filling low paid jobs. Guess what, things have to change, farmers either need to automate or pay decent wages and provide good living conditions.

Supermarkets are more to blame than Brexit
oh dear, Motorbiking is desperately using a load of dishonest deflection arguments to distract from the massive failures of Brexit.

Let me point out this to you:

1) freedom of movement didnt create worker exploitation, it was enabled by right wing neo liberalism

2) FOM allowed flexibility of seasonal work

3) Sweden is in EU and it has collective wage bargaining

If Boris Johnson had come up with a plan to replace hard working British farm workers with cheap imported labour,
Motorbiking -thats a blatant strawman

hospitality industry and farmers cant get workers at any price.

UK doesnt have enough itinerant / seasonal workers -its not about cheap imported labour
Supermarkets are more to blame than Brexit
you might want to read the article:

"Positions left empty if EU migration is restricted following Brexit could theoretically present a solution to high unemployment rates in the UK. But the fact is that many British people simply do not want to carry out seasonal labour because incentives for doing so are very low. Changes in the composition of rural populations mean that areas of high unemployment are often located at significant distances from the farms offering work. "
I am so sorry your google doesnt work

let me help you:

Oct 2021:Farmer forced to throw away acres of crops due to 'lack of workers caused by Brexit'
A Coventry farmer was forced to throw tonnes of crops before they rot due to worker shortages on his farm since Brexit

Sep 2021 FT:
UK fruit and vegetable growers are cutting their planting for 2022 after unprecedented labour shortages led to widespread wastage of produce

UK gov report:
Association noted that “10% of cucumber growing members didn't plant a third crop” in July 2021 due to a lack of workers.

In England crops are left to rot as there are not enough workers to pick them…​

UK crops left to rot after drop in EU farm workers in Britain after Brexit referendum​

Vegetables are rotting in fields due to 'chronic' crop picker and driver shortage as recruitment bosses urge government to let in TEN TIMES more foreign workers to solve supply crisis​

Almost a quarter of the UK daffodil crop was left unpicked. Fruit suppliers were forced to leave produce rotting in the fields.
A lack of skilled butchers and abattoir workers meant some 35,000 pigs destined to be made into sausages, bacon and chops were incinerated or rendered - reduced to lard.
Chronic labour shortages in the food and farming sector could lead to price rises and the UK becoming more dependent on food imports, MPs warn.
The report by the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee said Covid and Brexit had a huge impact on the sector.

Hunt for fruit pickers extends 6,000 miles as shortage bites​

Fruit pickers are being flown up to 6,000 miles to the UK from Barbados, Nepal, Tajikistan, Kenya, the Philippines and elsewhere because farms cannot find British or European workers.
Yeah, yeah. Blah, blah. I've seen the told-you-so stories that you and other whining losers post up but what I am saying, TAKE NOTE, is that I haven't seen any of these food shortages or high prices in MY supermarkets.

That's my observations. Now, how about you telling us what fresh fruit and vegetables you have gone without or paid over the odds for in the last two years because of Brexit.
At the same time, the number of full-time farm workers was shrinking, as they were either pulled towards jobs created by industrialisation, or pushed out by mechanisation.

From the farm worker / picker link. That has happened again far more recently. Mechanisation. One example is potato picking. Somthing housewives might do in the summer for some extra money. However some farms also had labourers to generally help out. It ended rather suddenly. |I'd say early 60's,
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