UK inflation 80% caused by brexit

Pops is voting with his feet. Shame only the wealthy can now achieve their dreams of living in mainland Europe.

Stanley Johnson ‘delighted’ after gaining French citizenship​

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it wouldn't have cost him much given his mother was French apparently. You can get greek residency using a Marina as an address. No rules broken, its all above board as long as you have water and power supplied. Don't even need a boat.
it wouldn't have cost him much given his mother was French apparently. You can get greek residency using a Marina as an address. No rules broken, its all above board as long as you have water and power supplied.

It's not the actual cost of the passport. If you're not lucky to have French parent(s) and want to live in France, you now have to jump through hoops and have capital/income above a certain threshold and pay for health insurance, etc - all of which denies people of modest means a life there. Same goes for most other EU countries.

There is more to getting a Greek residency permit post Brexit. Min Euro 2,000 pm income, plus health insurance, criminal record checks, etc. I did the same thing in Czech Republic as you in 2019, but given address of friend's flat and bunged him a few quid. Got my new CZ biometric residence card end of last year. Gives me freedom to roam in Schengen area because although it's for CZ, once you're in Schengen there's no borders. Not restricted to 90 days in 180.
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And I've told you my true life experiences regarding the alleged shortage of fresh fruit and veg. I asked for yours but all you do is repeat repeat like ac stuck record. I'll ask again: What fresh fruit and veg have you not been able to get or had to pay over the odds for in the last two years?
Oh well. I've asked Notchy this twice now and he's maintaining radio silence on it so I can only presume that he was unhappy and bitter at being able to purchase all the fresh fruit and veg that he required at reasonable prices for the last two years despite Brexit. Shame. Some people are not happy unless they are unhappy! :giggle:
Well, we left the EU over two summers ago now. I cant remember there being any shortages of fruit and veg or massive price hikes because of Brexit, loss of cheap foreign slave labour and the so-called mountains of Brexit paperwork. Perhaps it's just my local supermarket that hasn't had any problem importing fresh fruit and veg at competitive prices which makes your argument seem rather weak.
Presumably because you don't do the shopping or are too blind to notice what us going on. The range of foods we can buy has diminished, every week there are two or three items we can't get from our local supermarket either because they short of drivers or there are shortages of items, the shelves are emptier with less stock, a lot of fresh produce is shorter dated - very often within one or two days, and so forth. Fruit, veg and meat have all gone up in price (more than 15% in 2 years), most of the 3 for 2 or BOGOFF offers have disappeared, but the worst for me is that because I am lactose intolerant and I have to use lactose free milk I am now paying a hefty 50% over what was the general price 2 years ago, c. £1.25 to £1.85 (or more). But of course, there have been no changes...
Oh well. I've asked Notchy this twice now and he's maintaining radio silence on it so I can only presume that he was unhappy and bitter at being able to purchase all the fresh fruit and veg that he required at reasonable prices for the last two years despite Brexit. Shame. Some people are not happy unless they are unhappy! :giggle:
I guess that notchy has worked out that it matters not what can be shown to brexiteers, because they are in a state of denial...

The analogy with brexit being a cult has indeed become true!

And of course it's pointless asking brexiteers what has improved since the UK committed social/economic suicide...

Not one has been able to name a single benefit of leaving the EU, because that would mean questioning the 'cult'!
Because 2016 is when businesses started to plan for Brexit.

ie the beginning of brexit damage.
Businesses didn't start planning because there was no direction from HMG - especially galling as in 2016 there was still talk of remaining in the Customs Union - which would have assuaged some of the current issues
I guess that notchy has worked out that it matters not what can be shown to brexiteers, because they are in a state of denial...

The analogy with brexit being a cult has indeed become true!

And of course it's pointless asking brexiteers what has improved since the UK committed social/economic suicide...

Not one has been able to name a single benefit of leaving the EU, because that would mean questioning the 'cult'!
Its more that its happened. Time to move on. There is no political party capable of winning a general election with a manifesto pledge to reverse Brexit. If you want to undo Brexit that needs to be where you start.
The OPs post is misleading. High inflation due to leaving the single market/EU, is one thing, high inflation due to self imposed immigration controls is entirely fixable.

The problem is, we had the right amount of immigration for our economy before Brexit, with a loyal and happy workforce from Europe. But now we have a labour shortage, largely because even though the EU workforce could stay, they don't want to. So we either maintain a labour shortage, or let more people in from outside of the EU. Neither option is going to win the government any votes, so they just do nothing and look for other things to blame. Of course, the other mad thing is that we are still actively deporting many of our workers, just because, well, the home office has decided not to want them anymore.
I guess that notchy has worked out that it matters not what can be shown to brexiteers, because they are in a state of denial...
Talking of being in a state of denial, how's the Ukrainian family getting on? Are they with you yet? Safely ensconced in your home? If you're still having trouble getting them over, let us all know what the hold up is and we'll all see if we can't point you in the right direction, we know you were desperate to help out and I hear it's a lot easier now. Don't go disappearing on us again, we're missing your valuable input into this DIY forum. (y)
Presumably because you don't do the shopping or are too blind to notice what us going on. The range of foods we can buy has diminished, every week there are two or three items we can't get from our local supermarket either because they short of drivers or there are shortages of items, the shelves are emptier with less stock, a lot of fresh produce is shorter dated - very often within one or two days, and so forth. Fruit, veg and meat have all gone up in price (more than 15% in 2 years), most of the 3 for 2 or BOGOFF offers have disappeared, but the worst for me is that because I am lactose intolerant and I have to use lactose free milk I am now paying a hefty 50% over what was the general price 2 years ago, c. £1.25 to £1.85 (or more). But of course, there have been no changes...
Actually, I do the weekly shopping and I have been doing it since lockdown 1 to protect my wife.

Of course, none of that is to do with covid, the general world turndown in trade, worldwide inflation and the war in Ukraine is it? :rolleyes: I asked Notchy for specific Brexit reasons for any shortages or abnormal price increases because of Brexit and Brexit alone. One of the examples he gave was a shortage of cucumbers. I've been paying 43p lately which is as cheap as I've ever seen them!

Still waiting to hear from him but all I'm getting is big JohnD and Ellal answering for him - where's Notch gone? Is he hiding behind their skirts?
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The EU machine is a monster - Its all bit fake, nobody really gives a damn about their fellow EU member, its all about what can I get for me, my industry, my country and how can I drive the investment in my direction. That results in a lot of money being spent, a lot of lobbying, a lot of corruption and a lot of inertia.
Not entirely correct. The contributions are related to levelling up to improve living standard that eventually increase market sizes in places. Tricky thing to achieve how ever it's done. It's also a little protectionist for manufacturers. Retailers too I suppose. There are indications that it does have a beneficial result. Loads was going into Wales. Some elsewhere at times. Stoke on Trent type problems nothing that could help.

The UK couldn't afford to complete the motorway network. Oddly while not motorways Wales is having that class of road built in places.

In terms of manufacture people need to ask themselves why say Germany is building far more gigafactories than the 2 rather specific ones that "they" intend to build here. Like other things this depends on where capex is spent and what on. The channel isn't exactly an asset for the UK. Trucks aren't submarines or boats.

The euro is more interesting in some ways. It removed different country currency fluctuations in member states that use it. Population sizes using a currency also has some bearing on it's stability. When younger and I bummed around in Europe I used to take swiss franc travellers cheques as easy to spend anywhere even in shops. I used youth hostels or slept in the car. The car needed a bit of a none ideal retune to suite the fuel they were using also a good idea to take the thermostat out as rather warmer there.

I would be inclined to say the UK has always had a bit of an anal look up your own backside type view. Cheaper labour elsewhere has always had a bearing on jobs even call centres. Easier profit is attractive so import. Can't compete etc. The problem is some have.

Another problem of sorts. Take the USA. Couple of hundred million people and a shipping service that covers it. It allows a bloke to start up something in their garage and build it up to become Amazon. That market size has a bearing on all sorts of aspects in retail and manufacturing. They can be bigger and have more money to invest / attract it. A USA view of the EU is that it would be an incredible thing if that lot could be got to work together. Some truth in that but also an exaggeration. Just why is the USA importing it's goods and loosing jobs?
Talking of being in a state of denial, how's the Ukrainian family getting on? Are they with you yet? Safely ensconced in your home? If you're still having trouble getting them over, let us all know what the hold up is and we'll all see if we can't point you in the right direction, we know you were desperate to help out and I hear it's a lot easier now. Don't go disappearing on us again, we're missing your valuable input into this DIY forum. (y)
Oh look it's that pathetic troll again!

Not sure what ukranians have to do with brexit, but I guess it means you don't have to answer a very simple question...

So do tell us, what are the benefits of brexit?

PS. No wonder you aren't looking into housing a refugee.
Firstly you don't care.
Secondly if you did (for the money of course) then your other half would probably run off with the 'better bet' ;)
Oh well. I've asked Notchy this twice now and he's maintaining radio silence on it so I can only presume that he was unhappy and bitter at being able to purchase all the fresh fruit and veg that he required at reasonable prices for the last two years despite Brexit. Shame. Some people are not happy unless they are unhappy! :giggle:
You ask your false questions all you like.

Yes My wife and I have experienced many stock outs since end of transition.

It has been proven prices have increased as a direct result of brexit.
It has been proven there have been rolling shortages as a direct result of supply chain issues caused by Brexit.

Ive shown you the evidence on many occasions.

Its funny how only Brexit voters have these magical supermarkets that don’t suffer reduced choices and increased prices.
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