UK inflation 80% caused by brexit

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Yeah, yeah. Blah, blah. I've seen the told-you-so stories that you and other whining losers post up
Ive just posted a load of media articles based on facts, not stories.

but what I am saying
what you are saying is you only see what you want to see.

You can choose to not see reality if you want, it doesnt make it less true

Im sorry you are a salty leaver loser
thats your problem not mine :ROFLMAO:

Mottie says: there is no war in Ukraine, Ive heard nothing in my local supermarket
Changes in the composition of rural populations mean that areas of high unemployment are often located at significant distances from the farms offering work.
I can tell you how potato picking worked - the farmer sent a vehicle to pick people up and return them.

Taiwan has a large increase in migrant workers at times - they build dormitories for them.

Facilities for long haul truck drivers off motorways are not too good at all in the UK. Another subject really but relates in some ways.
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the fact businesses are offering higher rates of pay and cant get workers -proves you wrong
That comes down to desired type of person and skills really. An area never related to announcements about job opportunities and the people available.

LOL Left and right wing w a n k e r posts always amuse me. What is really needed is a balance. The more extreme people seem to relate to those that do fairly well.
you might want to read the article:

"Positions left empty if EU migration is restricted following Brexit could theoretically present a solution to high unemployment rates in the UK. But the fact is that many British people simply do not want to carry out seasonal labour because incentives for doing so are very low. Changes in the composition of rural populations mean that areas of high unemployment are often located at significant distances from the farms offering work. "
oh dear, Motorbiking is desperately using a load of dishonest deflection arguments to distract from the massive failures of Brexit.

Let me point out this to you:

1) freedom of movement didnt create worker exploitation, it was enabled by right wing neo liberalism

2) FOM allowed flexibility of seasonal work

3) Sweden is in EU and it has collective wage bargaining

Motorbiking -thats a blatant strawman

hospitality industry and farmers cant get workers at any price.

UK doesnt have enough itinerant / seasonal workers -its not about cheap imported labour
here we go "Notchyfacts" as usual. Not a single reference.

1. No reference - here's my hypothesis - supermarkets destroyed local shops, supermarkets had better buying power and operate in a highly competitive market. UK consumers don't really seem to want to pay more, for sustainable produce. Farmers margins were cut, low wages and imported labour were the solution.

2. Here is how you apply in the post Brexit world

3. so what.

Hospitality and Farming thought there was an endless supply of cheap labour. Guess what.. they are temporary jobs for people who want to make money to get a step up in life. They get their step up and move on. Eventually these jobs are no longer attractive.

The solution is to innovate not continue to squeeze the worker and moan about it - geez I'm actually sounding like a lefty.

How the UK became the sick man of Europe again​

UK GDP per capita has grown by just 10 per cent since 2015, compared with 24 per cent for Germany and 18 per cent for France.

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The tories are a bunch of clowns who persuaded just over half the people in this country to vote for something which would only really benefit the extremely wealthy, the ones who pay minimum tax on their earnings which are squirreled away offshore in tax havens. And a load of xenophobes fell for it because it would decrease immigration. Seems like we have more illegals coming across the Channel now than we did 2 years ago, or do I have that wrong, too?

Yes, we've been suckered into giving up worthwhile freedoms, making our lives more difficult and expensive, hampering trade and badly damaging our economy. And for what?
here we go "Notchyfacts" as usual. Not a single reference
resorting to ad hominems

I did post facts

Sweden is in the EU, it does have collective bargaining

the UK has had decades of neo liberal economics causing wage stagnations, low wage low growth -thats not a Notchy fact, its a well know fact

supermarkets destroyed local shops, supermarkets had better buying power and operate in a highly competitive market. UK consumers don't really seem to want to pay more, for sustainable produce. Farmers margins were cut, low wages and imported labour were the solution.
so nothing to do with Freedom of movement

but everything to do with domestic policies

Here is how you apply in the post Brexit world
but since the end of transition there is a massive shortage of workers which is damaging the economy

the facts are very straight forward: brexit has led to a shortage of workers

3. so what.
it proves its quite possible to be in the EU, have Freedom of Movement and not have low wages

Hospitality and Farming thought there was an endless supply of cheap labour. Guess what.. they are temporary jobs for people who want to make money to get a step up in life. They get their step up and move on. Eventually these jobs are no longer attractive.
where do you get the claim its cheap labour?

many many legitimate businesses paid fair wages, above the minim rate for workers wherever they came from

take hospitality, many many thousands of EU workers, had jobs in coffee shops -I remember Cafe Nero paying the living wage of over £10 an hour back in 2016

What you fail to admit is Freedom of Movement created access to a very flexible system for itinerant and seasonal workers -and now that has gone, there is a huge shortage.

The cause is brexit
the govt have no solution
US trade deal will be along soon to save us. :confused:

Many Tories, Doris, Truss, etc, etc were remainers who jumped on the Brexer bus for political expediency. They don't really believe Brexit is good for UK, just a good way to get elected. Desperate!

Now we know what leaving the EU cost us, let’s get Brexit undone​

I mean, what idiots would trust the Stories now? They have made an agreement with EU, but decide they want to tear it up because they were too incompetent to know what they were agreeing to. I realise it's difficult for rabid Brexers to admit they made a huge mistake.
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And before anybody moans: the EU is somewhat neoliberal and freedom of movement has benefitted the rich countries.
however membership of the EU did not prevent British governments having strong workers rights to ensure well paid jobs

What Brexit supporters seem to be claiming is that somehow wage rates should be entirely dictated by market forces

and that a shortage of labour will increase wages: but it isnt. A shortage of labour is causing the economy to stagnate
Ive just posted a load of media articles based on facts, not stories.
And I've told you my true life experiences regarding the alleged shortage of fresh fruit and veg. I asked for yours but all you do is repeat repeat like ac stuck record. I'll ask again: What fresh fruit and veg have you not been able to get or had to pay over the odds for in the last two years?
here's my hypothesis - supermarkets destroyed local shops, supermarkets had better buying power and operate in a highly competitive market. UK consumers don't really seem to want to pay more, for sustainable produce. Farmers margins were cut, low wages and imported labour were the solution.
Actually supermarkets evolved into one stop shops. Extremely small ones cropped up initially from USA ideas but didn't last. Just frozen stuff when freezers of any size were not that common and people had no problems buying fresh.

Independents green grocers and butchers still exist in some areas. On greens I'd say around here not much difference in price. Butchers more tricky. Say I wanted some cooked ham. The stuff from the butchers wont be loaded with water to push the weight up. Similar may be available in supermarkets but the price will be a lot higher than the other stuff. My wife uses diced beef from time to time. What the butcher chops up is rather different to same from a supermarket. It's always tender. The butchers was privately owned. It's now part of a larger chain of similar. The reason for that happening seems to be purely down to order size. Purely that not price. That's what they tell me anyway.

The other type of supermarket. White goods and TV's etc. There were independents not all that long ago. Distributors may help them with margin. I have had person experience with this. If competitive the bigger retailers can block that. I've even had that happen with power tools trying to get lower prices out of them. An interesting one was a tool retailer in Bakewell. Woodwork. They built up a very busy business via mail order and extreme discounts. I wanted something in that line and found little advertising or discount. Went there for a day out. They had been bought up by some USA lot and told to stop doing it. Lots of stock and wondering how all of it would be sold. Comet started up advertising in newspapers and selling directly out of a warehouse. No shops or display. I wonder who bought them out.
I may have said before, I was very much on the fence to vote in or out. I could see massive strengths and weaknesses of both arguments (like most people). did I expect us to do some sort of BrINO - yes. I was persuaded by two arguments.

The EU machine is a monster - Its all bit fake, nobody really gives a damn about their fellow EU member, its all about what can I get for me, my industry, my country and how can I drive the investment in my direction. That results in a lot of money being spent, a lot of lobbying, a lot of corruption and a lot of inertia.
Cheap labour = growth of cr@p jobs - I could see that the jobs I had when I first started out were being closed off to the indigenous population. Rapidly in my town you were seeing restaurants, car washes etc. 100% staffed by Eastern European workers on cr@p money. Now its even worse with the Gig economy. A whole industry of cr@p jobs exists because people are willing to do them.

I massively benefited personally from EU membership. But its been easy to get around Schengen zone restrictions for example and frankly, I do more business with global customers now because we've become accustomed to doing meetings on zoom and teams.
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