UK social security payments 'at lowest level since launch of welfare state'

In 2017, the Royal Society of Medicine said that government austerity decisions in health and social care were likely to have resulted in 30,000 deaths in England and Wales in 2015.
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United Kingdom government austerity programme - Wikipedia
Austerity kills.
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This is the truth. The majority of welfare payments go to the undeserving (I exclude pensioners of course, where they have paid into the system.)

State handouts to those who have not paid in should never be in cash. Bring back the workhouses.

As usual, a sweeping statement straight from the readers of the Daily Mail!
That is a bit of a sweeping statement,what about people who have worked all their lives and paid into the system and for various reasons they become unable to work .

I fully agree.
There are 2 groups:

1) A tiny minority that are benefit scroungers
2) the majority on benefits that are ill, have disabilities, live in areas of high unemployment.

Andy11, ihavenojob, durhamplumber and others stereotype both groups as benefit scroungers.

Yet when I point out that they think ex service men suffering PTSD are beb0nefit scroungers they get upset.
But they refuse to accept what a selfish ****ish attitude they have.
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Link please.

Many are obtaining the food bank vouchers to get free food as they have spent their benefits on drink and drugs.
When you provide a free service people use it, and abuse it.
Many are obtaining the food bank vouchers to get free food as they have spent their benefits on drink and drugs.
When you provide a free service people use it, and abuse it.

Talk about sweeping generalisation :LOL:
That is a bit of a sweeping statement,what about people who have worked all their lives and paid into the system and for various reasons they become unable to work .

Please read what I wrote again, carefully, lest I think you a loony lefty.
I wonder why the use of food banks is much higher in Germany and France?

Interesting article, in UK, cause of food banks: Tories:
"Close to half of those needing to use food banks have had issues with their benefit payments"

"demand for food banks further increased after cuts to welfare came into effect in April 2013, which included the abolishment of Crisis loans"

"Low-paid workers, part-time workers and those with zero-hour contracts are particularly vulnerable to financial crisis and sometimes need the assistance of food banks"
Some schools are running breakfast clubs due to kids turning up at school mal nourished?

Food banks Tis a national. Disgrace Tbh

If I heard it correctly on the radio this morning

65.000.000 meals were handed out last year?

One food parcel designates 3 meals
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