Ukraine counter offensive

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Ok but how have they captured so much. It's now often being pointed out that the style of fighting needed can't be fast.

What is Russias weapon production rate? You think they have been nothing for the past n months?

As to your first point it was because
The Ukraine did not have relevant defensive equipment from the west
Or not enough

As for your second point

Usual Russian doctrine quantity and no quality

Putin under estimated pretty much every thing connected with the invasion

If he wanted to learn about invading countries he should have paid attention to the way the Americans do / did it

Agreed after a while it goes pear shaped

But at least they get the logistics right and over whelming air support
Ukraine is gaining tanks from an unexpected source

The Russians may well have huge stockpiles of weapons

But one thing you can rest assured on it’s not been maintained ??

Recommissioning will be a huge task ? Same with these 300000 reservists ?? They will need training to get up to speed with any new weapons systems ? Unless the Russians just throw them into battle

Thousands leaving russia which is an acute embarrassment to Putin
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You should go and read their own comments on shock and awe related to actually capturing a city.

Who’s comments the Americans ?

They are way ahead of the Russians
In logistics

And when you consider that the Russians are in there own border
Dire imo for a so called super power
I wonder if any of the military generals in here could tell me if Russia is still in control of that port that doesn't freeze. If so do you think what they'll do is what they do best when there's six foot of snow on the ground, put the tanks away and starve people.
I don't know. Just heard there was a port in the early salvos that a Russian ship got bombed that was stopping supplies to the Ukraine that was open all year.
'conquered Ukraine territory
The Russians created modern Ukraine in 1917 (feel free to correct me if my dates are wrong) Crimea was only ceded to Ukraine in 1954 for administration purposes only.
Ukraine has changed its borders more times than a 2 bob whore changes her knickers.
There are reports of people who have no military experience being conscripted.

There's lots of reports of minority ethnic regions being heavily conscripted but few in cities. There are also reports that the anti war protesters arrested over the last few days were also conscripted.

Yet again what Putin says and the reality seem to be very different.
Bit like the draft in America during the Vietnam war.
1,400 arrests isn't really a huge number compared with the population is it? Then the demo's shown. Are some watching or taking part?

Conscripting some - I heard the word rumoured being used.

Other countries don't have demo's concerning wars do they? That's not supporting Russia. It's just a fact.
The first causality of war is the truth, or so they say.
This is why i now longer watch any reports on the Ukraine war on the BBC or any media, whether they are pro Russian or Pro Ukraine.
Innocent people on all sides are dying for no good reason, while all the geopolitical vested interests throw petrol on fire.
Ukraine is one of the most poorest countries in Europe, yet most of the Western aid is in the form of weapons or bungs for politicians.
The Russians created modern Ukraine in 1917 (feel free to correct me if my dates are wrong) Crimea was only ceded to Ukraine in 1954 for administration purposes only.
Ukraine has changed its borders more times than a 2 bob whore changes her knickers.
Northern Ireland came later, so too Israel and many many other countries, how many Countries worldwide have the same borders/names as they had 2/300 years ago?
The first causality of war is the truth, or so they say.
This is why i now longer watch any reports on the Ukraine war on the BBC or any media, whether they are pro Russian or Pro Ukraine.
Innocent people on all sides are dying for no good reason, while all the geopolitical vested interests throw petrol on fire.
Ukraine is one of the most poorest countries in Europe, yet most of the Western aid is in the form of weapons or bungs for politicians.
There is an easy solution though.
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