Because you feel, the rich have a responsibility for everyone else?
We all have a collective responsibility. It is unfortunate that super rich pay the lowest rates of taxes and thus proportionately contribute the least.
The 20 year old who spends most of his time outside of work drinking and smoking is perhaps the biggest contributor. He spends all of his money each week with much going on alcohol and tobacco- both of which are taxed very highly. The rest he spends on junk food and entertainment both being max vat rated.
Contrast this with the super rich who pay 20k pa to an accountant to help him avoid millions in tax whilst he lives in a tax haven.
The 20 year old is paying far more in relative terms, how can that be fair?
Now contrast that with the future influx of higher educated graduates that will come here from abroad (because we don't have enough of our own)- given that our state has never given them anything they will be the biggest net contributors. Will we regard them as welcomed assets?