Update on newbie doing Drive belt progress, need further help please

Thinking logically, if it was okay before you did the belt but not after, it must be something you have dislodged or put back wrong. Can you hear a whooshing/blowing noise if you rev it up hard?
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Thinking logically, if it was okay before you did the belt but not after, it must be something you have dislodged or put back wrong. Can you hear a whooshing/blowing noise if you rev it up hard?

I have had the car for over 3 years and driven over 60 k in it, it has never had this issue before until immedietely after I replaced the drive belt and
I don't know what could be loose or mislodged thoguh, The maf sensor is in, the air hose is on but I am wondering because I pressed down to hard on the wiring might that be whats causing it ? my basic code reader not showing and codes it may need better diagnositc tool and also no engine light as the bulb doesnt work.
I don't hear any of those noises you mentioned but I will try revving it hard and have a look.

I did jack pu the engine form the oil sump with wood block but I don't think I did it high enough to dislodge anything, but if I might have done where should I be looking ?

Is it true if I disconeect the maf sensor and it performs differently than the maf sensir is at fault, shall I try that too ??

thank you
Basically just see if there's any difference in the car's performance in any way - either on slow or fast running......no harm will come to anything.
If there's no difference I still suspect a turbocharger issue.
John :)

So if I disconnect the maf the car should perform better without ti plugged in if the maf is faulty ? I have had this car over 3 years and driven over 60k in it, this only happended instantly from fitting new drive belt and tensioner and after accidentally pressing down to hard on the maf wiring. As far as I am aware there isn't or has never been any problems with the turbo on this car

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If you think you may have damaged the wiring to the MAF then the only thing I can suggest is to remove the outer insulation from the suspect area and check it for continuity.....easy enough if you have a multimeter.
Using a very sharp knife, remove the outer insulation very carefully.....you mustn’t cut the conductors beneath.
John :)