US and Israel seek to expel Palestinians from Palestine...

Israel has probably the worst neighbours anyone could wish for

And, lets be honest about this, if Israel were destroyed tomorrow and all the jews were driven in to the sea. There still wouldn't be peace, Hamas will fiight Hezbollah, Shias will fight Sunnis. It's what they do.
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Went on a holiday to Jordan, late 90s, our tour bus came with our own personal police guard, due to an agreement with Israel that tourists would have protection. He was really useful when our party had to cross a busy road, just marched out and stopped the traffic
Went on a holiday to Jordan, late 90s, our tour bus came with our own personal police guard, due to an agreement with Israel that tourists would have protection. He was really useful when our party had to cross a busy road, just marched out and stopped the traffic
Where was this? I went on a diving holiday to Eilat in the 90s and we were taken in the back of a military lorry to the hotel and had armed gaurds around the hotel.
Where was this? I went on a diving holiday to Eilat in the 90s and we were taken in the back of a military lorry to the hotel and had armed gaurds around the hotel.
started in Amman and went to the usual sites, Petra, a roman town near the Sea of Galilee , site of the burning bush?a mosaic of the middle east from BCE, good trip. I recall seeing a roadsign in the desert, right for Baghdad 1000km, left for Amman
started in Amman and went to the usual sites, Petra, a roman town near the Sea of Galilee , site of the burning bush?a mosaic of the middle east from BCE, good trip. I recall seeing a roadsign in the desert, right for Baghdad 1000km, left for Amman
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