US and Israel seek to expel Palestinians from Palestine...

You are pointing out what I have said? You told me I should read up about the truth then point to what I am saying. Have you had a brain lapse?
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You are pointing out what I have said? You told me I should read up about the truth then point to what I am saying. Have you had a brain lapse?
Can't be bovvered.
As Mrs S said, "Is someone wrong on the internet again, darling?"
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Can't be bovvered.
As Mrs S said, "Is someone wrong on the internet again, darling?"
You sure she didnt say /you are wrong again on the Internet. Obviously in your 5 mins of googling you have become an expert in the Israeli conflict and a middle east expert. Laughable but sadly true.
I just don't see the Palestinians ever being OK with living next door to the Israelis in peace.

I just don't see the Palestinians ever being allowed to live in peace, with Israel determined to destroy their nation, their homes and their lives, and take their land.
Israeli Arabs make up 21% of Israel.

About 1.5 million last time I looked. Drews, Bedouins and Palestinians. All with Israeli citizenship and holding the same rights as Israeli citizens, being able to vote in elections and even stand for election. At any time there are usually up to 20 Israeli Arabs holding positions in the Knesset (Israeli Parliament), many choose to serve in the IDF.
Can anyone name one Arab country that affords the same rights to Jews?
I just don't see the Palestinians ever being allowed to live in peace, with Israel determined to destroy their nation, their homes and their lives, and take their land.

They choose not to live in peace just as they chose to reject on at least 4 occasions a two state solution.
I just don't see the Palestinians ever being allowed to live in peace, with Israel determined to destroy their nation, their homes and their lives, and take their land.
The majority of Palistinians are with hamas, they do not want peace other than to look like they are victims which is their propaganda. They will live in peace if hamas gets eradicated by the Israeli forces other than that it will continue the cycle of violence and terrorist activities. A two state system is not what they want.
That's Israel you're talking about.
Why doesn't hamas hand over its hostages? Why did they need to commit the massacre on Oct 7th do you think all of this is justified? Why does hamas hide amongst its people and use them as human shields?
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