USA, Second Amendment

In other news, the sinking ship continues to shed rats.

"Late this week, as Joe Biden prepared to assume the presidency, Trump was still raging, according to CNN. A casual discussion about Trump potentially resigning resulted in “an expletive-laden conversation”, CNN reported, while Trump has been in a state of “sullen desolation”.

"The president has at least finally accepted that his term is about to end. Trump has begun thinking about how he will leave Washington, and is keen on “a military-style sendoff and a crowd of supporters”, CNN said, either at the White House or at the Mar-a-Lago compound that is set to become his home."

"In a blow to Trump’s aspirations, the Pentagon is set to break with tradition and not hold an armed forces farewell tribute to the president."

"As a slew of Trump’s aides have deserted him, CNN reported that the White House press office is “virtually empty”. Even the pool of sources who once leaked to the press almost daily has nearly disappeared, making it harder to discern the president’s state of mind."

"Trump, known for turning his back on those who displease him, leaves office having discovered that his confidantes, advisers and friends are now doing the same."


He will. Survive it

Fteinds and desertion hmmm

Sounds a bit like this Corbyn / Labour caper to me:LOL:
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Still, Trump can, surely, rely on his family?

He likes families.

"One month before Donald Trump’s administration enacted a policy that allowed the government to take thousands of migrant children from their parents, the president twice told crowds at his rallies that immigrant gang members were not people.

“These are animals,” he said in May. Over the weekend, video and photos emerged of the cage-like detention centers where children, separated from their parents, are housed."

Somed of the caged children remain separated from their parents, because the border guards have lost track of who the children are, or where the parents were sent. This is especially likely with children too young to say their name and date of birth. Possibly they will never meet again.

"No need for soap or blankets"
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Trump. Can rely on the red necks :LOL:

There was some fool on the radio talking about the 2nd American civil war :LOL:

Jeez us wept some need to. Get. A grip with reality

Corbyns so. Called friends abandoned him

Even some in. Here who. Hero worshipped the bloke remained silent ;)

No surprise tbh :LOL:

Rats leaving a sinking ship????
It was a political decision to police it lightly apparently. If they'd put in half the manpower they'd previously deployed for BLM then the militias would probably have just had a rant and headed back to their bunkers.
Heavily armed security guarding the seat of government against legitimate protests would have made America look like some of the dodgy states they are always complaining about.
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In. Iceland any one can ring the PM up.

Mind u they are all probably related to. One another so I suppose it helps if u are calling a PM who. Is a relative :LOL:
Heavily armed security guarding the seat of government against legitimate protests would have made America look like some of the dodgy states they are always complaining about.

you mean like when Trump wanted a photo-op, and tricked the police and army into using tear gas and rubber bullets to remove a legitimate protest?

Was the girl shot dead by the police on Capitol hill black or white?

i don't think you can call a woman who had previously served in armed forces, and was trying to break in, a "girl"
i don't think you can call a woman who had previously served in armed forces, and was trying to break in, a "girl"
Why would the police shoot a white girl/woman, i thought they only shot black people.
Heavily armed security guarding the seat of government against legitimate protests would have made America look like some of the dodgy states they are always complaining about.
Like when BLM were there you mean. They've done it before but there is a trend that right wing protests get lighter policing.
It was quite brutal and unneecessary , would have thought a leg shot would have had the same affect.
It was quite brutal and unneecessary , would have thought a leg shot would have had the same affect.
No-one tries that stuff outside the movies. Legs and arms move too fast and are too small targets. Literally every police or military force teaches to shoot center of mass.

I don't know the timeline, was she shot before or after the police officer was bludgeoned to death?
"The man, identified in court papers as Wesley Allen Beeler, was driving a pickup truck with several firearm-related bumper stickers, including one that read: “If they come for your guns Give ‘Em your bullets first,” the papers said."

Pretty bright, for a trumper.
No-one tries that stuff outside the movies. Legs and arms move too fast and are too small targets. Literally every police or military force teaches to shoot center of mass.

I don't know the timeline, was she shot before or after the police officer was bludgeoned to death?
The officer was less than 2 mtrs away and was obviously guarding and waiting for someone to breach the door, weapon ready drawn. He warned her he would **kill** anyone who comes through the door. In theory he could have easily
maimed her at that distance but chose a kill shot instead. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!
In theory he could have easily
maimed her at that distance but chose a kill shot instead.

Miss the target and hit, maybe kill someone NOT trying to come through the door. That will go well. Plus, noting your phrase, 'in theory'... Using a 9mm accurately is nowhere near as easy as tv would have us believe.
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