USA, Second Amendment

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This country has been far more stable over the centuries so a written constitution has not really been required.

Britain's constitution has developed in haphazard fashion, building on common law, case law, historical documents, Acts of Parliament and European legislation. It is not set out clearly in any one document.
When an issue arises that is not covered by a constitution, one of the other branches need to enact legislation, make a judgement, or repeal legislation, etc to 'modify' the unwritten constitution.
This has happened throughout history. there are numerous examples. Some examples have been mentioned (or will be mentioned) in others' posts.
This results in a haphazard array of multiple sources for the unwritten constitution which becomes a lawyers paradise.
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Armed Insurection:LOL::LOL::LOL:

Jeez us wept :LOL:.
What would you call it? Go on, think of a couple of words to describe it:
Two days after the state election Waddell and hundreds of white men, armed with rifles and a Gatling gun, rode into the town and set the Wilmington Daily Record building alight. They then spread through the town killing black people and destroying their businesses. The mob swelled with more white people as the day went on.
Waddell and his band marched to the city hall and forced the resignation of the local government at gunpoint. Waddell was declared mayor that same afternoon.​
What would you call it? Go on, think of a couple of words to describe it:
Two days after the state election Waddell and hundreds of white men, armed with rifles and a Gatling gun, rode into the town and set the Wilmington Daily Record building alight. They then spread through the town killing black people and destroying their businesses. The mob swelled with more white people as the day went on.
Waddell and his band marched to the city hall and forced the resignation of the local government at gunpoint. Waddell was declared mayor that same afternoon.​

A minor riot
Insurection :LOL:

Rebellion :LOL:

The start of the 2nd American civil. War :LOL:

Jeez us wept some in the UK and US need to. Get a grip.
As for Trump. One of the few presidents who. Never started a war

Let's also. Not forget other American preside ts in recent times

Kennedy who. Came close to. Starting ww3
The bay of pigs caper
Gulf of tonkin caper

Nixon / kissingiger and the secret bombing of Cambodia afaik there has been an international arrest warrant out for kissinger

Reagan and the Iran contra caper

Gearge dubya and starting a war that cost 100s of thousands of lives

Oh and Trump who made a speech to. A bunch of red necks

You have to have some sympathy for the Trump supporter.

April 12, 1861 – May 9, 1865 American Civil War
1898 Wilimington Insurrection.

Jeez us wept some in this forum need to. Get a grip. on there numeracy.:LOL:

And the point of yer post is wat :confused:

Jeez us wept u need to. Get a grip of reality himmagin :LOL:

Pandering yer insurrection waffle :LOL:
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