Vaillant ecotec 618 s30 error

Those numbers make no sense either for a running boiler, can you request HW and when cylinder stat calls for HW and the boiler starts note d40&d.41 again after say 5 minutes.
I would also change d.070 back to 0, its default setting, even though this parameter should have no function in a system (non combi) boiler.
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Ok so hw is on continuous no ch, readings after 5 mins are d40=59, d41=56
Seems a ver small dT, might expect ~ 10C with HW coil, these boilers have a internal Bypass valve and even though the actual dT might be say 10C, the boiler due to the bypass reads (correctly) a higher return temp, lower dT, this bypass is factory set to 25mb 2.5M which is quite low and can be increased to 35mb, 3.5M or, I think, 45mb on some models) to help push more water through systems with a high head.
Can you just run it now for awhile on CH, of if CH already on, just read off d40&d.41, if CH wasn't on run the boiler for 15 minutes or so before taking a reading.
I think you have a external ABV (automatic bypass valve) as well, ( or else its pressure relief valve), can you see what its set to, thers a index on the side/end.

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Hi the boiler won't fire with just ch on, it states s30 on display, only fires when HW is on. Do you want me to put on both ch and hw? The red valve in pic is I think is a pressure release valve, It has a + and - and says screw to adjust? Or do u mean the dial on the cylinder?


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Yes, put both on please.
Whats written on the end of that red valve?.
It just says screw to adjust and an arrow to right with a plus sign. I'll put ch and hw on continuous and take another d40/41 reading in 15 mins
That is a ABV, if you look at the side of the cut away portion on the end you will see a number.
Ok I've checked valve.cant really tell


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To the right of the red needle bit it says 1


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6 full turns takes it to this


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OK, keep turning and count the number of turns to set it from 2.5 to 3.5.

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