Virus lifespan on surfaces and in air explained

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What does a medical expert know about how things "float"?

I am not an expert on it like you, go argue with the experts. I suppose you know better , you should get on the phone fast and tell them the keep your distance rule does not work. and you know it all
I am not an expert on it like you, go argue with the experts. I suppose you know better , you should get on the phone fast and tell them the keep your distance rule does not work. and you know it all

Cool your boots....

OK, how quickly does the droplet fall?
The speed of light?
The speed of gravity?
Some other speed?

(BTW, I do know something about how suspended particles (including droplets) behave, and how long they remain suspended in the air)....
I am not an expert on it like you, go argue with the experts. I suppose you know better , you should get on the phone fast and tell them the keep your distance rule does not work. and you know it all

Your medical expert.... seeing as they're an "expert", could you ask they what the strange knocking is from my car under braking?
Or, would this be outside of their area of expertise? ;)(y)
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Personally, if be more concerned with what is on the basket handle, the packaging of the food you're picking up, etc etc....
ABSOLUTELY, and have been wearing gloves in the supermarket for the last week, and have also started wiping down packaging with a soapy cloth. But how to deal with the air?

would activated charcoal filters work, or the masks that 2-pack paint sprayers use ?
I'm not actually intending wearing one, but would they filter out the virus.

my brither (very fit mid 40s) out in germany has it, not in hospital yet but very very unwell.
P3 filter if respirator is properly face - fitted.

Don't forget though, skin, clothes, hair etc can also harbour viable virus for hours, if not days.

Basically, unless you go into the shop fully kitted out, and you fully decontaminate on leaving, there is some residual risk.

Like most things in life, it's a cost - benefit analysis.
pity the video didn't mention clothing, some expert on the radio reckoned the virus would not last long on soft materials such as clothing - didn't give a time scale or why. he was also talking about 3 to 5 days for hard surfaces.

yes there are risks in everything, and the first step is to fully understand the risk so as you can take a proper risk assessment.
pity the video didn't mention clothing, some expert on the radio reckoned the virus would not last long on soft materials such as clothing - didn't give a time scale or why. he was also talking about 3 to 5 days for hard surfaces.

yes there are risks in everything, and the first step is to fully understand the risk so as you can take a proper risk assessment.

I don't think we can currently (accurately) assess the risk, as we have no idea whether there is any virus present at all, in the places we go to.

If there is no virus present, people are dressing up for no practical reason.

If virus is present, most of the precautions I've witnessed are pointless.
I think the fact that Prince Charles, Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock have it are a sure sign that there isn't much 'we' can do to avoid it if it is around.
I think the fact that Prince Charles, Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock have it are a sure sign that there isn't much 'we' can do to avoid it if it is around.

That's what I say

Alot of this preventive caper they keep banging on about is a nonsense Imho
Masks have been said to ineffective but medical people want them. It can be picked up by touch - no problem as it seems it can't get through skin - touch eyes, nose mouth different. Correct info, don't know.

I did buy a few masks for anyone here that gets it on the basis that it is likely to reduce what they spread and contamination then doesn't matter so much
corona = storm in a teacup.
A new world order is just around the corner...! Total economic collapse.
Cool your boots....

OK, how quickly does the droplet fall?
The speed of light?
The speed of gravity?
Some other speed?

(BTW, I do know something about how suspended particles (including droplets) behave, and how long they remain suspended in the air)....

you should ring up NHS, or contact the government with your expertise , I am sure they would want to listen to you.
corona = storm in a teacup.
A new world order is just around the corner...! Total economic collapse.

Yes a new world order: more state control, less free market.
Ryler is about to see a period of socialism :ROFLMAO:

Yes a new world order: more state control, less free market.
Ryler is about to see a period of socialism :ROFLMAO:

Stop banging on about brexit. Its a side show for embittered remoaners.
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