War Machine

The missile range for Russian kit quoted is for the S300 SAM system, nothing to do with AIM range. The Russians also can't put that anywhere near the front lines as Ukraine is punching them out with ATACAMs. Amusingly as the S300/400/500 are designed to shoot down tactical ballistic missiles.

There is negligible air to air combat as the effectiveness and number of SAM systems makes it very dangerous to operate near the front line for either side. The F16s will be bomb trucks to deliver SDBs and interceptors to shoot down drones and missiles that have been launched at Ukrainian infrastructure well behind the front lines.

Various announcements have said Ukraine will be getting AAMRAMS with 120km range, which is less than the Russian R77 (300km) but again air to air combat isn't in the cards as Patriot batteries will swat Russian planes like sleeping bumblebees just like S300s would to any SU27s or F16s that get close.

I've been struggling to understand how all these different weapons interact. The Russian bombers can launch these glide bombs from 70km away. So Ukraine gets F-16s which can shoot them down from 120km away. But how do they get near enough to do that, when the Russian air defences can hit them from hundreds of km away. Likewise, why can't Ukraine shoot down the Russian bombers with their own anti aircraft missiles.
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I wonder as well. S400. Mach 14 radar homing missiles
EngineYaMZ-8424.10 diesel V12
400 hp (300 kW)
SuspensionLeaf spring
Ground clearance485 mm (19.1 in)
  • 400 km (250 mi) – 40N6E missile[3]
  • 150 km (93 mi) – 48N6(E) missile
  • 200 km (120 mi) – 48N6M(E2) missile
  • 240 km (150 mi) – 48N6DM(E3) missile
  • 40 km (25 mi) – 9M96 missile
  • 120 km (75 mi) – 9M96M(E2)) missile
SARH with all missile model,and ARH in 40N6E, 9M96E2, 9M96E and 9M96 missiles
I think that Wiki page has been hacked!
this one too
That one doesn't mention the different configurations. The long range missile is from 2007 but may have changed since.

There is also the 500 but no one has a clue about the state of that one other than work started a while ago
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I've been struggling to understand how all these different weapons interact. The Russian bombers can launch these glide bombs from 70km away. So Ukraine gets F-16s which can shoot them down from 120km away. But how do they get near enough to do that, when the Russian air defences can hit them from hundreds of km away. Likewise, why can't Ukraine shoot down the Russian bombers with their own anti aircraft missiles.
It is hideously complicated.

The key point to remember is that while these missiles might have the range you have to have something in the right place to launch them at the right time and both sides are hunting each others aircraft and SAMs.

Patriots night be able to kill Russian SU-34s from outside the SU-34s range, but that assumes the Patriot battery is close enough to the front, can see the SU-34 in time and that the missile hits
I think that Wiki page has been hacked!
No, that's the maximum speed of the ballistic missiles they're designed to shoot down in a closing engagement.

If the ballistic missile is moving towards the launcher faster than Mach 14 then the S400 missile can't detect it quickly enough when it moves into range to set off it's own warhead in time to destroy the ballistic missile. Essentially it is the reaction speed of the S400 missile.
No, that's the maximum speed of the ballistic missiles they're designed to shoot down in a closing engagement.

If the ballistic missile is moving towards the launcher faster than Mach 14 then the S400 missile can't detect it quickly enough when it moves into range to set off it's own warhead in time to destroy the ballistic missile. Essentially it is the reaction speed of the S400 missile.

Thanks. I didn't even pick up on that.

I was actually referring to it being fitted with a V12 diesel engine! I thought that was somebody having some fun; until JohnD pointed out that was actually the launch vehicle.
It really feels like they're prolonging the agony now. Press gangs are cruising the streets in Ukraine seizing anyone they can. They've run out of fighters. There will soon be no power in the country, so no water, follows.

Russia was supposed to be asking N Korea for shells - evidence the R's were running out, it was claimed.
But they didn't run out, the Ukanians did. Russia was firing the same number of shells in a couple of days as Ukraine had for a month.
THEN Russia secured large numbers from N Korea.
Check the date:
I suspect the number of missiles which can hit Ukr infrastructure will be more important. It only takes very few to get through to wreck a power station.
Ukr recently got a PS repaired and back online after months. So it received a couple more rockets, back to square one.
I've been wondering how much of it's original air force + additions Ukraine has left.

The news coverage on Ukraine is now pretty low. We here that power is still being targetted and effectively but little mention of where or what with. We hear where Ukraine has withdrawn they have moved back 30km We hear about various hits but no reporters around to say if that was due to a missile hit. We hear the Biden is concerned about oil hits destabilising oil supplies. We don't hear if these start functioning again.

Patriot hits. What few that are around. Damage is repairable mentioning radar survived. I assume the gear that generates it and targets etc. The expensive bit. Russian stuff may be the same. Also it seems the S 300 can use S 400 missiles. The Russian stuff can use remote radar - that has cropped up in older reports - looking for various units. Seems they can also be controlled from the air. Patriot probably much the same in both areas. Range also depends on the object being aimed at. Low level cruise missiles are tricky.

Russian comment about glide bombs. Can't shoot them down. No info why. Could be no radar so nothing to home on. Heat seekers wouldn't me of much use either. The aircraft that launches them has to be hit and may not be carrying one.
Russian comment about glide bombs. Can't shoot them down. No info why. Could be no radar so nothing to home on. Heat seekers wouldn't me of much use either. The aircraft that launches them has to be hit and may not be carrying one.

I've read that the bombs are pretty small, so difficult to spot on radar.

Also, I read a claim by Russia that their version of GPS can't be jammed. I have no idea if this is true, or why it should be less jammable than the Western version.
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