We Must Be The Only Country That Puts Up With This!

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If they really hate us that much, why oh why do they seek sanctuary on this sceptred isle?.

because of the benefits, and the fact that we won't chop off their hands for stealing, and will do even less for crimes against the state.
Oh and if we keep letting them in and they keep breeding at a greater rate then the indigenous population, they'll eventually take over !

And then all the carp about letting these 'protestors' have their opinions (back to the OP), well that's fine, but calling someone scum and murderer is verbal abuse isn't it? or breach of the peace? or incitement to riot? it certainly isn't the kind of civilised behaviour we expect in this fair land....
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For my pennorth. ,,, All these immigrants who protest about the British Armed Forces etc should be asked to leave this land of milk and honeyed benefits with immediate effect. They don't like things we do here? Easy, there's a slow boat leaving within the hour.
If they really hate us that much, why oh why do they seek sanctuary on this sceptred isle?. The government too, should stop pandering to these "ethnic minorities" who just seem to come here to abuse the system.
About time we banned the burkha too. Let's see the faces of these women who don't like being here.
Arranged marriages should be stopped with immediate effect, unless they arrange to marry someone who already lives here.
If they don't like it let them go back to their own country, marry someone there and settle there.
I notice the UK comes in for a lot of stick from foreign governments and other countries, but still the asylum seekers make their way to our shores.

We should be more like Australia in our treatment of immigrants.

Have a look what their Prime Minister tells immigrants to that country.
The UK is quite a liberal country - it has an inner "confidence" based on strong and defining historical roots. "We" tolerate an awful lot possibly due to the ability to empathise with the desire to expand an empire coupled with a more realistic need for what these nutty tribalistic and uncivilised countries have buried beneath their sands :rolleyes:

I think that once the oil run out, the middle east will sort itself out once again and self destruct. They have no other thing that the rest of the world hankers for - certainly not it's intolerant and ridiculous religion.
Think of the ££££ benefits you hand out to immigrants as reparations for your war mongering past.
You brits had it coming.

Methinks Nordio, doesn't fall into the category of a British subject.
If this is the case Nordio, I suggest you leave this very land that gives you the freedom to express your vile opinions on here, and go back to where you came from.
Your very words , show your intolerance for us Brits.
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Think of the ££££ benefits you hand out to immigrants as reparations for your war mongering past.
You brits had it coming.

And of course, we are the only nation on this planet to have been war-mongerers.

I doubt very much if there is one single nation, past and present, on this planet who has not been a war-mongerer at some time in its history.

By the definition of a war-mongerer, :) one who urges or attempts to stir up war), you are guilty of being one yourself in regard to your statement;

"You brits had it coming.", which can also be classified as a racist comment.
However, as I am not as petty minded as some on here, yourself included, I will ignore it and treat it with the contempt it deserves by saying,
If you don't like the British nation then go back to the country you and your descendants originated from.
All the trigger happy ex war mongers on this forum should reflect on their past and bow their heads in shame after the conclusion of the Saville report.
Shame on you. :evil: :evil:
You brits are never happy unless you are trampling on other peoples lives.
You're hated all over the world and its not too difficult to see why.
Trampling on others is a good thing for the country I think :evil: and who gives a t055 if were hated?
I think the current situation is unmanageable, where the enemy use IED's, and covert tactics, that take out a lot of civvies at one go, and a farmer can be your friend one day, but suicide bomb himself the next, or indeed recruits within your ranks infiltrating you, we are simply not going to get nowhere. The Russians tried this, but withdrew, we aren't Empire anymore, talking cures the problem. As it has done mainly in Ireland.

Gaza/Isreal next, or Pakistan, always gotta fight a war somewhere. FFS sit down and have a chat. I'm impressed that this thread hasn't turned into a flame war.
Pakistan is the hub - Afghanistan is just the playground.
And of course, we are the only nation on this planet to have been war-mongerers.

I doubt very much if there is one single nation, past and present, on this planet who has not been a war-mongerer at some time in its history.

By the definition of a war-mongerer, :) one who urges or attempts to stir up war), you are guilty of being one yourself in regard to your statement;

"You brits had it coming.", which can also be classified as a racist comment.
However, as I am not as petty minded as some on here, yourself included, I will ignore it and treat it with the contempt it deserves by saying,
If you don't like the British nation then go back to the country you and your descendants originated from.

Another lefty who lives in dreamland :rolleyes:

The British nation is a toilet because of the liberal fools like yourself who wants to open their arms to every poor little refugee that want's to come here. I bet you won't be so welcoming when your children can't find jobs because the immigrants have taken them, the crime in your area goes up due to a shortage of jobs and ethnic clashes resulting from it, your child becomes a minority within his/her classroom due to the immense rise in immigrants having children, council estates appearing left, right and centre to accomodate them all and hospital waiting times being increased because of the strain put on the NHS by the extra population! Perhaps when you pay more taxes to help pay for them all you may be a little less liberal eh?

I'd put money on it that you live in a middle class area with no real ethnic minorities in the area which gives you the impression that this whole immigration issue is no big deal, well let me assure you that I live amongst them and they are arrogant verminous scum and the sooner they f*ck off home the better! That won't happen tho, they have do-gooders like yourself to protect them :rolleyes:

Oh and change the record will you ffs, the answer to every immigration opinion that doesn't match the lefty view doesn't have to be "well why don't you leave the UK if you don't like it!", it only highlights your ignorance.
Hi Shi*ty.

So you think the UK is a toilet yet you still refuse to leave it. That sums up your aspirations and imaginative qualities, then.
As usual, your whole input to this thread has been crass nonsense.

Now that I have posted, you have another target for your pointless comments, although your previous claim that you never post to this dull forum at weekends was obviously a sack of shift.
Remember? Youre so busy enjoying the benefits of this liberal country with your wonderful family? (The ones you dictate to about what they can/can't will/won't be able to do in/with their own lives).

Please don't start dribbling on about coloured gay boys again as it's a subject I have of which I don't have your experience.

Oh, and the Picanto is doing just fine. It even works on the motorway.

PS It's made in Korea, not Japan
Conny makes a perfectly reasoned response to Nordio and then shifty22 puts his twopenneth worth in castigating conny for his response hmm, shifty / nordio need to stop posting seperately and remain as one poster because thats what they are,or they both went to the same school of bullshite.
shi*ty, a tiler from kent, only joined this dull forum minutes after Schizo, a tiler from Kent, was having his posts moderated and deleted. March 14 was it??
It's just pure coincidence that they share the same approach to 'discussion'.
Conny makes a perfectly reasoned response to Nordio and then shifty22 puts his twopenneth worth in castigating conny for his response hmm, shifty / nordio need to stop posting seperately and remain as one poster because thats what they are,or they both went to the same school of bullshite.

What on earth has this got to do with the topic? Do you make it your mission along with life'sboringandlonelyman to spam every thread?

If you have nothing ON TOPIC to add why don't you run along admire your stamp collection or something :rolleyes:
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