We Must Be The Only Country That Puts Up With This!

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All the trigger happy ex war mongers on this forum should reflect on their past and bow their heads in shame after the conclusion of the Saville report.
Shame on you. :evil: :evil:
You brits are never happy unless you are trampling on other peoples lives.
You're hated all over the world and its not too difficult to see why.

Keep your pants on boy :rolleyes:
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Two observations:

1/. It may well not be heroic for a soldier to do what (s)he does on a daily basis as part of their paid jobs. What is heroic is the fact that these people signed up to do the job in the first place knowing full well what the risks are likely to be.

2/. It really must be a terrible thing for someone to be "foced" to live in a liberal country such as the UK and be asked to consider assimilating just a little, such as learning the language and trying to contribute somethng towards the common good. This is so true when you consider that these immigrants and peoples of different cultures and backgrounds will have left such a wonderful homeland under duress and not in fear of their existence. Er, NOT :confused: :rolleyes:
All the trigger happy ex war mongers on this forum should reflect on their past and bow their heads in shame after the conclusion of the Saville report.
Shame on you. :evil: :evil:
You brits are never happy unless you are trampling on other peoples lives.
You're hated all over the world and its not too difficult to see why.
Been writing to Jim'll Fix It again have you Noradio :rolleyes:
Look you, the only time we bow our heads in shame is when the footie's on :LOL:
All the trigger happy ex war mongers on this forum should reflect on their past and bow their heads in shame after the conclusion of the Saville report.
Shame on you. :evil: :evil:
You brits are never happy unless you are trampling on other peoples lives.
You're hated all over the world and its not too difficult to see why.
If the rest of "the world", as you so eloquently and insightfully presumably single-handedly represent, could bring itself to eff off and leave "us" alone and stop trying to kill/maim us and meddle in our trade affairs, whilst also stop coming over here to live safe in the knowledge that we won't brutally kill their 7 year old children out of spite, then we'' probably be more than happy to live our own lives quite blissfully.

As for the Saville report, I take it the other protagonists in the dispute will also apologise for any indiscriminant murders they took part in :confused:
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The guy isn't a hero, he is an idiot! So running into gunfire is a smart idea is it? this somewhat ruins your claims that they are all smart then doesn't it? A hero is someone who dives infront of a bus to save a child from being run over and loses his/her life in the process or a civilian passing by a burning house and rescueing the occupants,......

No, its not a smart idea. But (s)he does it because he believes that if it were him that was lying there wounded someone would try to help him in the same way.
Its called looking out for your friends, knowing they would do the same for you.

Obviously you have no experience of true friendship.
and how is an army a deterrent to suicide bombers?

Out if interest, what (in your opinion) would be a deterrent to suicide bombers?

Second, although an army isn't a deterrent to someone who wants to blow himself to kingdom come (partly because he or she is by that stage completely insane), it defies all logic to think that a well organised and well armed group of people who are trained and heavily financed in the "art" of death and destruction will not be able to cause significant "hardship" to those who persuade people with mental disorders to top themselves so publicly. Ie - it may not stop the lunatic, but it may well stop those who are whispering sweet armageddon into crazy and abused ears.
what .............would be a deterrent to suicide bombers?

Nuclear weapons.
For every suicide bomber, you drop a nuke and wipe out a few hundred thousand.
That would end suicide bombers cos there would soon be noone left.

"If a man is causing a problem, you should merely "remove" the man and the problem will be solved"
-Joseph Stalin (Politician)
what .............would be a deterrent to suicide bombers?
Nuclear weapons.
For every suicide bomber, you drop a nuke and wipe out a few hundred thousand.
That would end suicide bombers cos there would soon be noone left.
Too "holocaustistic" for my liking. Tit for tat would most likely ensue anway
For my pennorth. ,,, All these immigrants who protest about the British Armed Forces etc should be asked to leave this land of milk and honeyed benefits with immediate effect. They don't like things we do here? Easy, there's a slow boat leaving within the hour.
If they really hate us that much, why oh why do they seek sanctuary on this sceptred isle?. The government too, should stop pandering to these "ethnic minorities" who just seem to come here to abuse the system.
About time we banned the burkha too. Let's see the faces of these women who don't like being here.
Arranged marriages should be stopped with immediate effect, unless they arrange to marry someone who already lives here.
If they don't like it let them go back to their own country, marry someone there and settle there.
I notice the UK comes in for a lot of stick from foreign governments and other countries, but still the asylum seekers make their way to our shores.

We should be more like Australia in our treatment of immigrants.

Have a look what their Prime Minister tells immigrants to that country.
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