We Will Dance Again

sadly I inadvertently stumbled on some of the videos on the evening of the attack showing very graphically what hamas had done - I don't think I will ever get those images out of my head. And that is very likely the reason I have been so much on the side of Israel.
Along with abuse I received from palastinian protesters at waverly station in edinburgh when I didn't cheer and clap after i was told to do so

And yes, I feel the BBC are a biased left leaning organisation, and I wish I was not compelled to fund them with the compulsory licence fee.
You must have many examples of bias, care to share
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And yes, I feel the BBC are a biased left leaning organisation
Munroast a tribal Tory, who gobbles up the nonsense written daily in the Mail, Express, Telegraph…..thinks the BBC is biased.

Yes you suffer apalling cognitive bias

It’s terrible the way the biased BBC have only allowed right wing mouthpiece Farage on Question time 32 times

It’s terrible the way the biased BBC constantly have spokespeople from libertarian lobby groups on current affairs programmes

And then there’s Laura ToryBerg who gives soft interviews to Tory MPs. She was a Boris lapdog.
It’s not an accusation it’s true.

This forum is full of disgusting Palestinian haters.

Not once has Fillyboy ever condemned the actions of Israel on the innocent people of Palestine
And when pushed you admit you “don’t like Palestinians very much”

These people are disgusting Palestinian haters:

They all fully support the killing of Palestinians
They are all Muslim haters

They all falsely accuse others of being “Jew haters” but can’t provide any evidence whatsoever yet they carry on their disgusting smears

A bunch of c***s who should all be banned

I note the mods have deleted your post.
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And yes, I feel the BBC are a biased left leaning organisation, and I wish I was not compelled to fund them with the compulsory licence fee.
Have you ever thought about which party is mostly in power and what all media tend to report on?

You might like to do some reading via googling Murdoch wars if you want to consider bias in sources of news. That seems to have had an interesting effect with some in the US. They point out that one channel says one thing and another says the opposite so some must be lying to us. You could put this down to an evolution over time in electioneering. Result some people in a number of countries not trusting politicians. Messaging is usually simple. Few things country wise are ever really simple. Some things are like 2+2=4.

An example. Sunak praised Starmer's campaign based on the word Change. That is really is simple. They all use techniques like this. This is how Sunak chose to see things but in practice power has switched for a host of reasons. The Tory used we will cut taxes. They often mention that and always have but clearly that is not a simple area either especially considering how the country is set up.
It’s not an accusation it’s true.

This forum is full of disgusting Palestinian haters.

Not once has Fillyboy ever condemned the actions of Israel on the innocent people of Palestine
And when pushed you admit you “don’t like Palestinians very much”

These people are disgusting Palestinian haters:

They all fully support the killing of Palestinians
They are all Muslim haters

They all falsely accuse others of being “Jew haters” but can’t provide any evidence whatsoever yet they carry on their disgusting smears

A bunch of c***s who should all be banned
You are funny.
I've seen little mention of the party organisers telling all to go home once the rocket attacks started.
I saw that on the news last night. They stopped the music and told everyone to go quickly when they saw rockets going over. They all ran to their cars and tried to escape. Some people jumped in big dumpsters and buried themselves in the rubbish. They stayed there until help arrived. Some of them got out of their cars and took refuge in a concrete bunker on the side of the road thinking they’d be safe from rocket attacks. The attackers surrounded them and filmed other attackers throwing grenades into the shelter but those inside were throwing them back out. Eventually one of the attackers angled his gun in there and just kept letting shots off. I think only one lad survived. Others were just shot in their cars as they arrived at a roadblock. It was a cowardly attack on unarmed civilians. I don’t need to see any more to know who is directly responsible for the current war.
I saw that on the news last night. They stopped the music and told everyone to go quickly when they saw rockets going over. They all ran to their cars and tried to escape. Some people jumped in big dumpsters and buried themselves in the rubbish. They stayed there until help arrived. Some of them got out of their cars and took refuge in a concrete bunker on the side of the road thinking they’d be safe from rocket attacks. The attackers surrounded them and filmed other attackers throwing grenades into the shelter but those inside were throwing them back out. Eventually one of the attackers angled his gun in there and just kept letting shots off. I think only one lad survived. Others were just shot in their cars as they arrived at a roadblock. It was a cowardly attack on unarmed civilians. I don’t need to see any more to know who is directly responsible for the current war.
I'll watch it, simply to reinforce my beliefs, not that they need reinforcing. I think it should be compulsory viewing.

Anyway, out for a meal tonight so might miss the beginning but it's on i player.
I think it should be compulsory viewing.
Should be for those haters of the state of Israel on here but they'll not want to see it. If they do, they'll say it's fake news or was totally justified for how they’ve been treated in the past.
Should be for those haters of the state of Israel on here but they'll not want to see it. If they do, they'll say it's fake news or was totally justified for how they’ve been treated in the past.

Might these be the same people who are being a little coy about admitting to being left wing?
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