What are you drinking tonight?

I feel.like a drink but it's the weekend tomorrow so I should wait really.
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Not the sort of thing I should be doing 9 30 on a Wednesday morning but there is alot of health benefits here.

Got the MiL staying over for the weekend so we have to eat meals she likes. :rolleyes: Had a Bordeaux tonight with our Saturday sausage casserole.

A Sauvy B with our winner winner tonight. 25% off all Sainsbury’s TTD wines with 3 bottles or more at the moment.

Grenaché Rosé with our salmon en croute tonight. 11%. Pìss water but at least it meant I could finish the bottle off myself (after Mrs Mottie having a couple of small glasses). ;)

Bordeaux again with our Beef Bourguignon. Had a mini disaster. Couldn’t find my regular corkscrew so I had to use my super duper corkscrew but all that did was push the cork into the bottle. I had to jiggle a pencil in the neck to get some wine out. First world problems, eh?

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Leffe Blonde 0.0

Some might call it sacrilege, but I took the gamble that such a fine marque would deliver, even with no alcohol (y)
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