What are you drinking tonight?

My nice just dropped round a bottle of Singleton malt for looking after her dog for a week , think I will have a glass or two before bed.
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Still Kronenbourg- but discovered that it is now being rebranded as 1664, and the new glasses are fatter at the bottom (rather than being fluted with a bulge to hold on to when you are less sober).
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Decent taste for a non-alcohol but, given the amount of sugar in it, you might be better off drinking booze.
Haven't they all got a load of sugar in?

Can't drink alcohol any more. Take so many different meds, I don't want to risk it.
Pinot Noir with my steak dinner.

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Im sure Mottie with the aid of chatgpt and raw data of your posts from diynot, we could uniquely profile you and predict what you are going to do at any given second of the day/night :)

May i add thats a lovely looking couple of steaks and Pinot to boot.
I’m an idiot! Why didn’t I think of that? I once told my kids that we occasionally have the odd G&T before a meal. Since then, every birthday, every Father’s Day, every holiday they go on, I get a bottle of gin. I’m drowning in the stuff - it’s all round the place! I’ll have to mention I’m into single malts and start building a collection of them. (y)

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Aaaaand another one for the collection. :rolleyes: Shoulda mentioned the single malt!

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