What are you having for breakfast?

Did you put a raw egg on a piece of bread and toast it?
Made some toast.
Buttered it.
Cooked some bacon.
Fried an egg.
Sliced some chicken.
Assembled all the above into a sandwich.
Ate it for my breakfast.
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Made some toast.
Buttered it.
Cooked some bacon.
Fried an egg.
Sliced some chicken.
Assembled all the above into a sandwich.
Ate it for my breakfast.
So, it was a fried egg. I was trying to think how to toast an egg :unsure:
Butter a slice of bread (some do both sides) then use back of a spoon to create a depression.

Place slice of bread in airfryer basket & crack the egg to pour into the depression.

Sprinkle grated cheese over the egg then splash a few dash's of Worcester sauce into the cheese.

Airfry @200c for 8-10mins (experiment with temps +/-5deg & time +/- 1min, depends very much on how cheap your airfryer was :)

I get a golden slice of crispy bread that is neither fried nor toasted, with a perfectly cooked egg with runny yolk that has a melted cheese crust on top. The Worcester Sauce is optional but IMO essential.
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Air fried bacon and tomatoes on French toast (or eggy bread if you must).

Two breakfasts this morning, one in the BA lounge at Heathrow, fruit yoghurt, croissant, (full english available ) then a bacon buttie & fruit on flight to Manc
Couldn't find the drink thread si thought I'd post my find here.


Found this lot outside a back garden the other morning Mrs Bod was coming the other way and told me to pick it up and take it home.

Not my cup of tea but it'll get someone pįssed
The ingredients

The breakfast


This time last year I wouldn't have sniffed at this., now I crave it every morning.

I alternate the fruit and seeds and even the type of yogurt (s)

I'll have an Espresso after this and be up the Gym for 6
The ingredients…

I'll have an Espresso after this and be up the Gym for 6

About the only difference is that I’m not off to the gym after my espresso!


I also popped a weetabix in there to bulk it up.

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Just basic stuff this morning. Scrambly eggs topped with air fried toms.

View attachment 314751

I'm alternating my fruits. Can't go too heavy because of tye blood sugar.
So mixed this with soaked chia seeds hemp & them polish seeds.
Kefir in amongst it all but forgot the Manuka honey this morning .
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