It remains agood thing to know how the car NORMALY behaves under the handbrake ... not all cars perform in the same manner ... plus when one imagines there is something amiss then there is that yardstick to measure by.
Never heard of deliberate bend 'oiling', but always aware on country junctions / bends in the wet, there could be a quarry or some kind of transport depot / farm nearby ... laden 'oil burner', tank brim full, negotiating bend or junction can lead to spillage
Stupid 'sleeping policemen' if someone takes the bump too quickly, for whatever reason .... What if suspension is damaged such that directional function is compromised at a later stage causing possibly a tragic accident with a third party ? Does not add up to any kind of sense does it ?
We have a small village nearby where the locals cried out for 20 mph speed limit .... on a spot check guess who did most speeding over that limit, yep ! villagers themselves !! What a joke.
I think the people who will speed through, especially locals (knowing potential speed traps), will continue to do so, whatever. Others who drive through with care will probably continue in that vein.
Never heard of deliberate bend 'oiling', but always aware on country junctions / bends in the wet, there could be a quarry or some kind of transport depot / farm nearby ... laden 'oil burner', tank brim full, negotiating bend or junction can lead to spillage
Stupid 'sleeping policemen' if someone takes the bump too quickly, for whatever reason .... What if suspension is damaged such that directional function is compromised at a later stage causing possibly a tragic accident with a third party ? Does not add up to any kind of sense does it ?
We have a small village nearby where the locals cried out for 20 mph speed limit .... on a spot check guess who did most speeding over that limit, yep ! villagers themselves !! What a joke.
I think the people who will speed through, especially locals (knowing potential speed traps), will continue to do so, whatever. Others who drive through with care will probably continue in that vein.