What do you think is the worlds best invention?

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Thermos Flask.
It keeps hot things hot, and cold things cold.
But how does it know which is which?
leave my flask out of it.

The printing press. it allowed the spread of knowledge around the world, which had far more impact on civilisation than the internet ever has. Also loosened the grip of the church on civilisation
The plough, predates internet, wheels and flasks and allowed us the time to think about inventing the internet wheels and the flask.
Noseall is sex an invention or a discovery? And I don't mean inventing ways to have sex :)
The plough, predates internet, wheels and flasks and allowed us the time to think about inventing the internet wheels and the flask.
Noseall is sex an invention or a discovery? And I don't mean inventing ways to have sex :)
...with a plough :eek:
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