What do you think is the worlds best invention?

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The mention of sex puts me in mind of the joke--

The man who invented f*****g wants decorating-
The man who invented decorating wants f*****g
Just look at that. I think that's two and a half votes for beer as the best invention ......
The farmers like the mobile phones, but they also like doing things with animals :eek:
So i'll rule that out :!:
Seeing it's firking freezing i'll say clothes.
Fish finger and black pepper sandwiches.

Oh, that's sex again, isn't it?
Without a shadow of doubt the best invention ever has been ....
The British social services system, people from all nations flock here in their countless thousands to partake of this wonderful system.

A system that enables them to be housed, fed and be given money for doing absoutely nothing, all paid for by the British work force who payed their tax's, and they can claim for the extended family from where they came.

Workers here meanwhile who have given their all to this country, only to have their jobs taken away, to be located somewhere else in developing countries, while they have to grovel to keep the wolves from the door.

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