What have you been doing today?

Just spent a good almost-two-hours installing a new pendant rose.
Black and red wires, switch wasn't labelled. Fortunately, I had tagged all the wires when I removed them. Unfortunately, I had used whatever was to hand, that is masking tape and pencil, neither of which survived a few dobs of wallpaper paste very well.
I figured out the hieroglyphics by torchlight to discover red mixed with the black on the loop in. Penny finally dropped when I realised whoever had installed the previous rose had changed the switch wires around - they're not live so it didn't matter functionally.
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I spent all of today stood on some ladders 10' up rewiring a customers burners they had disconnected all the control wires from.
I just know that I will be waking up in the early hours with really bad cramps in my legs.
I spent all of today stood on some ladders 10' up rewiring a customers burners they had disconnected all the control wires from.
I just know that I will be waking up in the early hours with really bad cramps in my legs.
You ever tried a magnesium supplement before bed? They're supposed to help with cramps.
No, but I may now - cheers for the advice.
I didn't actually cramp up, maybe its waiting until later to surprise me when I'm not expecting it :)
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We were out this morning walking our dog in Brentwood when we saw a Spitfire flying overhead. We think it must have been on its way to a flypast for Vera Lynns funeral. :):(
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Got one flying over our local hospital at 4.00pm this afternoon.
Late shopping it is then. :)
After my success repairing a potters wheel, I called at the house to look at a kiln problem, easily solved by fitting a new isolator, the lady potter showed me the mug she had made for me as a thank you, when it is glazed I will take possession :D
Stopped off to watch the Spitfire flying over our local hospital before going for some shopping.
Still can't get video's to upload so here are a couple of stills.

Not today, but the house shook last week as an apache gunship flew low over us.
I've been off furlough for a month now, but while I was off, I saw quite a few key fighters flying over as well.
I don't know whether this is usual, or just that I only noticed them because I was off, but I didn't really expect so much military hardware to pass directly over my gaff.
I've been shouting out the window, SHUT THAT FCKUIN DOG UP! There are four dogs in close proximity whose owners think it is their dog's god given right to bark all day long.
I went over the allotment today picking some veg for the week. French beans, runner beans, red onions, garlic, potatoes, radishes, beetroot, lettuce and a sprig or two of basil for my prawn spaghetti tonight.

I've been shouting out the window, SHUT THAT FCKUIN DOG UP! There are four dogs in close proximity whose owners think it is their dog's god given right to bark all day long.
We have one in particular that barks and howls, owner shouts at it be quiet, dog barks even more, and so it goes on
A lot of the stuff I'm doing is for letting half of the house. This week between jobs, I've been on Fb Marketplace and the local 'swap shop' groups for some furniture.
Currently trying to decide which is most annoying:
- when someone lists something, sells it, but never marks it sold or deletes the ad.
- when they list it in a local village swap shop yet the item is fifty sodding miles away.
- when they list it as 'free' but want offers.

So. Many. Ugly. Sofas.
I know the '70s/'80s was bad for decor, but that's still no excuse for these monstrosities.

Off to the village for some 'Bow now to get me through tonight's DIY.
I pulled down half the fence between me and my neighbour then put it back up again.



It was wonky and we are having the driveway done next week (y)
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