What have you been doing today?

Just read about your claim Ed and you are right. I never knew that. Mind you, we go through at least a bottle a week in this house so no danger of it losing it's potency.
Must mention this in work when I get back as we use a lot of hypochlorite for the hot tubs.
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Boring day today. Nothing to do indoors, nothing to do over the allotment. Made tonight’s tea around 11.00, chicken curry, and put it in the fridge for later. Went over Marks's at Lakeside to buy some new pants and T Shirts and a bedding set. Got stuck in traffic! Haven’t had that for a while. While over there, I noticed that I was the ONLY one wearing a mask. The only one in the whole of Lakeside shopping mall. What’s up with people, it’s not over by a long stretch!
I gotta ask, did you need new pants and t-shirts/bedding set? Coz for me, shopping is still for pretty much the stuff I need, not what I could do with/fancy. Purely down to the muppets out there...
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Wear a mask with pride.....it was only not particularly recommended because the things weren’t generally available.
Now they are available, maybe they will become mandatory? Still wearing mine, and wondering how many people can understand the significance of the arrows on the supermarket floor....? Seems to take a while for the penny to drop.
John :)
I gotta ask, did you need new pants and t-shirts/bedding set? Coz for me, shopping is still for pretty much the stuff I need, not what I could do with/fancy. Purely down to the muppets out there...

Well, not really desperate for them but was hoping to get their special 'beauty box' of goodies to put in Mrs Motties handbag for next Tuesday. Sold out online and only available in store. Of course they were all gone when I got there. :mad: As I was going over there I was given a list of other stuff to get by Mrs Mottie. She told to me to park in the multi storey car park where M&S have their own entrance and not to go in the main mall but there was a major traffic incident so couldn’t get in that way so just chanced it in the main entrance.
Thanks. Bought, and it should be here the day before her birthday at the latest. (y)

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That's cool! It's a goodie this year imo and hope the Mrs likes it.
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Utterly shattered.

Lost my wallpapering cherry. One bathroom and hallway ceiling later, I am totally wrecked. Only thing that compares is oiling the roof last year - spending days going up and down ladders, when not holding on for grim death to the rungs yanking the sprayer around.

Two observations:

- paste brushes appear to be designed for applying paste to paper on a table. They aren't designed for applying paste to ceilings or walls. Not the Harris one I was using, anyway. Paste splattered everywhere.

- snap knives are great...if you have a pile of them. I was whipping through mine at a rate of knots. Being a Cardi*, I decided to revert to scissors and only use the knife for overlaps. I still have a lot of gaps to fill.

*it's said that the reason Ceredigion is near the bottom of Covid-19 transmission tables is not down to the council's heralded track and trace system. It's because Cardies are so tight, they don't give anything away for free.
- paste brushes appear to be designed for applying paste to paper on a table. They aren't designed for applying paste to ceilings or walls. Not the Harris one I was using, anyway. Paste splattered everywhere.
They’re not designed for painting fences either!

I’ve seen a decorator pasting a wall before and he used ready mixed paste and a paint roller. (y)
I used that ready mixed paste last week in my step daughters. Crikey! It doesn't go very far! 1 small tub costing £4.50 just about did a large chimney breast, which was 1 roll of paper plus 12" off the second roll. I bought a box of Diall self mix paste for £2.50, (1 box of powder with 4.5l of water), hung almost 5 rolls in our dressing room and still had some in the bucket.
Been up since 7.00 and just got dressed. I’m wearing a pair of my new pants that I bought yesterday. Boxer shorts. I’m normally a trunks man but I must say, my boys are enjoying their new found freedom. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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