What have you been doing today?

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Well I had to give up my hedge cutting today. Forgot to check the chain tension and 10 minutes later it popped off the bar and kinked.
No way was it going back in the bar so a new one has been ordered. That could have been a very serious way to learn a lesson.
Knocking stuff down.
Stripped our parasol down, took the broken cord out and measured it and ordered some paracord off of Amazon. It’s just arrived so I’ll sort it out tomorrow. Cooked our Sunday roast while watching the F1. Had a shoulder of lamb which made four dinners. One each for me and Mrs M and one each for both our mums. Froze theirs for next week. Watched Top Gear.
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Well I had to give up my hedge cutting today. Forgot to check the chain tension and 10 minutes later it popped off the bar and kinked.
No way was it going back in the bar so a new one has been ordered. That could have been a very serious way to learn a lesson.
Did the "chain" or "cutting mechanism" become detached and could it have cut you? If so then thank goodness you're not hurt!!
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