We have a rescue cat. He's mostly black, but his name is Albus...figure that out!
He would rather use any opening than his £90 neckchip-controlled flap and preferably get one that is human operated on demand. S*d that. We are trying to re-educate him, but it is so ingrained. He also hates his 4-weekly Frontline. Takes it VERY personally when you hold him and stick it on the back of his neck.
Will run away after for a long time and will not trust me for days afterwards.
Not this Summer but the last one, he got what the vet thought might be sunstroke so we took him and they kept him a couple of nights. Of course, he hated me for weeks after that (I captured him and put him in the catbox) and he's still very on/off with me. Everyone else he loves to approach for a cuddle (he even comes to sit on them) but he only seems to come to me for cupboard love!
It's not all me though When two people are close by, he will get spooked and run out of the room, moreso if you make eye contact.
He's a world away from some of my previous cats, two of which were exceptionally loving and trusting.
Still, we don't know what his previous life was and have to make allowances.
We are happy that we are offering him care and attention when he needs it, a warm home with safe places he can go to if he feels the need and is well fed, watered and medicated.