What have you been doing today?

Took my commuter scooter up to the main dealers for an MOT today. Checked the lights when I turned up

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Long story short, I took the previous dog back (really bad behavioural issues). Anyway, today we’ve got a new puppy.


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Took it back? Was it a rescue dog?
Yes, She was a stray puppy, but tried to teach her boundaries and it was a no-go. We told the dogs home all relevant information, yet they didn’t listen and re-advertised with the same description. She’s since reappeared and now they’ve decided to change the description.
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Ah well, at least you tried so good on you. You never know what troubles they come with. Our daughter takes on old, rescued cats or cats that whose owners have gone into homes or passed away. Last one cost her £80 a month in medicines - of course they forgot to tell her that! Hope you have more success with the new pup. (y)

We have a rescue cat. He's mostly black, but his name is Albus...figure that out!

He would rather use any opening than his £90 neckchip-controlled flap and preferably get one that is human operated on demand. S*d that. We are trying to re-educate him, but it is so ingrained. He also hates his 4-weekly Frontline. Takes it VERY personally when you hold him and stick it on the back of his neck.
Will run away after for a long time and will not trust me for days afterwards.

Not this Summer but the last one, he got what the vet thought might be sunstroke so we took him and they kept him a couple of nights. Of course, he hated me for weeks after that (I captured him and put him in the catbox) and he's still very on/off with me. Everyone else he loves to approach for a cuddle (he even comes to sit on them) but he only seems to come to me for cupboard love!

It's not all me though When two people are close by, he will get spooked and run out of the room, moreso if you make eye contact.

He's a world away from some of my previous cats, two of which were exceptionally loving and trusting.

Still, we don't know what his previous life was and have to make allowances.

We are happy that we are offering him care and attention when he needs it, a warm home with safe places he can go to if he feels the need and is well fed, watered and medicated.
We have a rescue cat. He's mostly black, but his name is Albus...figure that out!

He would rather use any opening than his £90 neckchip-controlled flap and preferably get one that is human operated on demand. S*d that. We are trying to re-educate him, but it is so ingrained. He also hates his 4-weekly Frontline. Takes it VERY personally when you hold him and stick it on the back of his neck.
Will run away after for a long time and will not trust me for days afterwards.

Not this Summer but the last one, he got what the vet thought might be sunstroke so we took him and they kept him a couple of nights. Of course, he hated me for weeks after that (I captured him and put him in the catbox) and he's still very on/off with me. Everyone else he loves to approach for a cuddle (he even comes to sit on them) but he only seems to come to me for cupboard love!

It's not all me though When two people are close by, he will get spooked and run out of the room, moreso if you make eye contact.

He's a world away from some of my previous cats, two of which were exceptionally loving and trusting.

Still, we don't know what his previous life was and have to make allowances.

We are happy that we are offering him care and attention when he needs it, a warm home with safe places he can go to if he feels the need and is well fed, watered and medicated.
We temporarily adopted our sons house cat when he moved back home.
We got two feral kittens from the local stray cats home a few months ago. They were twins so we agreed to keep them together. My wife was convinced with the right care and attention they could be domesticated and come running when she tapped their food bowl. The first few weeks seemed promising and eventually we tried to coax them into the garden. Slowly they began to step out on to the patio but would not go on the lawn. If we picked them up and placed them on the grass they immediately turned round onto the patio and into the house. So we thought they would remain house cats. Then one day when they were on the patio playing with a leaf it blew on to the grass and one of them chased it. Realising she had gone a bit too far she froze and began to cry till her brother bravely ventured over to her. Thats when they seemed to realise it was nothing to be scared of and began to wander further until they seemed to fear nothing. The trouble is, although we live in the country, the road we live on can be very busy at times with big lorries, tractors and farm equipment rumbling past and we couldn't take the thought one, or both, may get killed. So my wife contacted the home and explained the situation and they asked if they could have them back. Apparently the mother had been missing them the whole 3 months we had had them and now she was going to a farm but the farmer wanted 3 cats/kittens. As the farm was a long way down a track with no traffic going past we thought it only fair they should be back with their mum and in a safe place. About 3 weeks later the home called us to let us know all 3 had settled down nicely and the farmers family were having great fun watching the mother teaching the kittens how to catch mice.
A day out with the dogs at Mersea. Had a nice fish and chips lunch in The Coast inn followed by a cream tea in the Mersea Vineyard. Because of recent bad weather there had been plenty of oysters washed up from the beds. I've collected and eaten them in the past but as Mrs Mottie pointed out, if I get food poisoning, I won't be going on my motorcycling trip in a weeks time so I heeded her advice and left them there. There was some serious land erosion due to the storms too. I also came across what seemed to be a dead baby Porpoise/Dolphin. A few pictures.


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Such a sad thing when we come across something like this but that is nature.

We attended the Remembrance service in BSE today. As always, well attended and very moving. Had a low flypast by two Apache helicopters then, after laying our poppies at the memorial, we decided to grab a hot chocolate from a mobile burger bar we sometimes visit, before coming home and chilling out.
I cannot go to our local service anymore. I would be in fits of tears.

I have always struggled, but every year that passes, it gets worse, don't know why.
Never use to be 'emotional' at these sort of things but, yes, as the years are advancing I find them coming to the surface more readily.
Not a blubbering wreck or anything but the 'dust' seems to get in my eyes a bit more frequently these days.
There was a service at the local cathedral on Thursday and, as there were students from the college participating, it was streamed live to the college. I was on door duty in the foyer but could see across to where the screens and a number of students were sitting. I was too far away from them and was annoyed none of them stood up at the 2 minutes silence and none of the tutors told them to either.
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