At work this afternoon and we had a visit from the deputy head of one of the schools that contract my services - she came down to take one of the students back to school as the Police wanted to interview him. One of the TA's that accompany them told me what had happened - a new student had started at the school this week and apparently he's more of a wrong 'un than the average student at this PRU and he has (I think) a Snapchat page - I have no idea how it all works - anyway, the student of mine had looked him up and there was the most disgusting clip on there - he described it and it was sickening. My student grassed him up to the school. Dunno what will happen to my student but the police didn't speak to him for long - I think the enquiries are starting with the new student, who has already been suspended. They kept my student's phone to check that he had just viewed it and not downloaded or shared it. What a sick world this can be.