What have you been doing today?

Google reverse image search is criminally underappreciated.

On android, just take a screenshot, pick "Share with", select google Lens and voilà.

Powerful stuff.

Note, yours says 11 on the bottom. Might be size specific but you get the idea.
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Had an overnighter in Oxford and this morning before we came home we went back into town to go into the Ashmolean museum. I love museums, they are so interesting. I must make an effort to go to the British Museum sometime next year.
The Ashmolean is a fantastic visit - awesome collection of samurai swords and the splendour of the Alfred Jewel. Nice cuppa tea, too. No chance of me going anywhere today. Snowed in up to our knees. Snake Pass is just about passable if you're really determined to go North but i'd rather settle into the armchair tonight and hope it doesn't get any worse.
The Ashmolean …… Nice cuppa tea, too.
They know how to charge in that café! £2.80 for a cuppa, £2.25 for a can of coke and £4.50 for a slice of cake. Still, it’s free to enter and we just made a donation at the door.
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They know how to charge in that café! £2.80 for a cuppa, £2.25 for a can of coke and £4.50 for a slice of cake. Still, it’s free to enter and we just made a donation at the door.
Last time i was there i could've bought the cake for a fiver, let alone a slice - outrageous!
Is the samurai collection still there?
Last time i was there i could've bought the cake for a fiver, let alone a slice - outrageous!
Is the samurai collection still there?
Can’t say I remembered seeing it but I could have done with spending the best part of the day there. We were only there for just over a hour or so.
Aye, there's never time enough to see all they have on show - let alone the exhibits kept in storage. There's always the virtual tour you can take online, though not quite the same as seeing them in person. I didn't think there was much difference til i went to the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and really looked at a Rembrandt.
Just having a tidy up in the bedrooms. I came across my 'collection' of purloined goodies from hotels we have stayed in. Mrs Mottie goes mad when I do a scoop up on the last day of a stay and puts them back so I have to wait to the last possible moment before I sneak them into my case. I dont know why I do it either - I tell her it’s in case we have guests staying overnight. :ROFLMAO:



You should see my collection of dressing gowns, kettles and trouser presses……..
Had my eyes tested. Prescription has changed in two years, not unexpectedly. New lenses ordered for both my reading glasses and a pair of cheap mid-distance glasses and lenses to get the best out of my new OLED TV.
Had my eyes tested. Prescription has changed in two years, not unexpectedly. New lenses ordered for both my reading glasses and a pair of cheap mid-distance glasses and lenses to get the best out of my new OLED TV.

How close do you sit? My mid range glasses only focus about four feet away!
How close do you sit? My mid range glasses only focus about four feet away!
I told them the distance of my TV from my eyes. About 12 feet. When I say 'mid-range', they actually referred to them as 'distance'. Anyway, they were the cheapest of the cheap - £15 for the frames and lenses so no biggie if they are no good.
I told them the distance of my TV from my eyes. About 12 feet. When I say 'mid-range', they actually referred to them as 'distance'. Anyway, they were the cheapest of the cheap - £15 for the frames and lenses so no biggie if they are no good.

Glasses are incredible value these days! We paid five times that in the early 1980s. Do you need glasses for driving? If not, it sounds like your eyes are still OK for driving but just need a bit of assistance for perfect vision.
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