What have you been doing today?

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Blood test today - in a panic, in time for my telephone call from my renal consultant, this coming Thursday.

I rang my GP's, with blood sample bags to hand, and arranged for my bloods to taken last Saturday. They rang early Saturday to say sorry cancelled, nurse is off sick, no other appointments available, until Tuesday week, you will have to go to a walk in centre for the sampling.

Never done it before, and nearest was a small local hospital, two buses there, two back home, and not even sure of the buses needed. Managed to sort those out, and went for first bus, saw it killing time at the stop, rushed over, got to rear of bus, waved to driver, and he pulled away, left indicator still on - obviously never checks his mirrors, or uses indicators.

Arrived at the walk in, and given a ticket number 81. Once called in, I found that one of the sample bags, was for a urine sample - a continuous cause of confusion for me, trying to guess whether one is, or isn't needed. Take one they don't want it, don't take one then they do. So I enquire how I am supposed to know whether or not. The answer seems to be, if the bag label mentions 'white top', then it is for a urine sample.

By the time I got out, I was peckish, and as there was a BurgerKing at the bus stop for home, I decided to splash out on a rare for me small cheese burger and small chips. Last one I bought £1.99, today £3.78 - absolutely not worth it.
Still can’t find the bloody thing. Practically did a fingertip search of each room so far and it’s nowhere to be seen. This is winding me right up!
Don't worry, they'll be in the last place you look...
Bloke look ;)

They'll be hiding in plain sight, guaranteed..........
Yep, you should always look in the last place you can think to look, first.
Found it!
Looked again, checked all the same places six times. Mrs Mottie came home from work, had a good look, nothing. Miss Mottie popped in, had a look, nothing. To convince them both that I had brought it into the house, I played the CCTV of me coming into the house with them in my hand. Left that playing while I had yet another look in the same places and Mrs Mottie went for another look and after a few minutes, our daughter shouted out that I had gone back outside and was taking pictures under the bonnet. I was, poking my phone down into the engine bay and trying to get pictures of the leak to see where it was coming from. I went outside, lifted the bonnet and there was the key resting on the scuttle. Relief - I thought I was going mad!
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When we went on holiday recently I was looking for my new tube of anti inflammatory gel, searched high and low, eventually gave up and took an old part used tube, when we got home I sat at my desk to check emails etc, there was the gel staring me in the face
Long story short, back in March, I tried to repair my Dyson cordless and due to my impatience I fecked it up so bought a new body. Today I was vacuuming out my fleece pocket (bought a pot of pepper and the top came off in my pocket) and it was stop start, stop start so I thought I’m not having this, got straight on the phone to Dyson and had a rant. They sent me a link to my mobile which allowed the operative to observe the problem. It didn’t do it when I showed them (although I didn’t have the nozzle in my pocket) and made me look a right idiot! Anyway, the operative asked me to hang on, went away to speak to someone, came back and said they would be sending me a new body F.O.C. Didn't even want the old one back and told me to bin it. Say what you like about Dyson but their aftersales/customer care service is second to none.

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Well, that came quickly. Arrived this afternoon. Last night it was really playing up, would only run for a few seconds before conking out. I had a look at it, and deep inside it was clothed up with needles that had dropped from the Christmas tree when we were putting it up. They should have gone straight through but they had got caught on some pieces of wall paper that had been hoovered up when I decorated the lounge a few weeks ago. They must have been damp at the time but had hardened up when they dried out. It's been working fine since - I’m wondering if that was the problem in the first place! Oh well, a spare body will come in handy for the future. :giggle: O
Drove the A3 up to my workshop today. Removed the leaking water pump. A right weird setup. Fitted at the back of the engine, on the cylinder head. Driven by a small toothed belt from a pulley fitted to the rear of the exhaust camshaft that looks like it’s come off of a sewing machine. Left the car there, came home by train. Picking the parts up from the main dealer tomorrow for not much more than motor factors were asking for pattern parts that I’ve never even heard the name of. No rush, going back up by train on Thursday to fit it on and then drive it home. Hopefully that will be my last visit to the workshop this year.
Cinema HD had not worked on any of my Fires, for a while - clicked on, they wanted to update, but the update failed to materialise, ignoring that, and trying to run anything, it found no sources. So today, I deleted it, and downloaded a fresh instal. Fresh installation, seems to be working better than ever.
Picking the parts up from the main dealer tomorrow ……….No rush, going back up by train on Thursday to fit it on..
Just as well I didn’t need it today - just had a call….sorry, they forgot to put it on the van this morning but it will definitely be coming tomorrow morning. At least they phoned to tell me and saved me a trip to the main dealer for an argument.
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Batch cooking. 2 double portions of chilli con carne, 3 double portions of Bolognese sauce.


What me, bored? Nah…..
Cinema HD had not worked on any of my Fires, for a while - clicked on, they wanted to update, but the update failed to materialise, ignoring that, and trying to run anything, it found no sources. So today, I deleted it, and downloaded a fresh instal. Fresh installation, seems to be working better than ever.
I've just tried that out. Not too impressed with it,TBH. Very poor quality SD feeds, wrong titles everywhere - tried to watch an old episode of CHIPS and got a film. Same again with the Rockford files. First 5 feeds got me the 'War games' film. Just tried the same episode on a Kodi addon (Asgard) and it’s ten times better.
I've just tried that out. Not too impressed with it,TBH. Very poor quality SD feeds, wrong titles everywhere - tried to watch an old episode of CHIPS and got a film. Same again with the Rockford files. First 5 feeds got me the 'War games' film. Just tried the same episode on a Kodi addon (Asgard) and it’s ten times better.

I had a longer look around this afternoon, and yes a few wrong titles/wrong feeds.

One problem I have with all of the feeds, is the audio volume. On live TV, volume is OK on around 16, when I watch any of the feeds, volume has to go up to 30+.

I'll give the Asgard a go..
Picked up the pump and pump belt for the A3. Came down to the workshop by bike in the peeing rain. Fitted it all on, very easy to do and now just having a cuppa while I wait for the fan to come on and make sure there's no airlocks. I'll leave the bike here and come up by train next week when I come down to fit a battery on my mates Kuga and reset the BMS. Still waiting for the postie to drop off the final certificates for the students - I wouldn't mind betting they don't come until the new year - should have been here on Monday!

With a bit of trade discount at Audi, I paid £203 for the pump, complete with housing, thermostat and new drive belt. Not bad when a local motor factor wanted £190 for a kit made by Napa. No bolts left over too which is always good. :ROFLMAO:


Right, fan’s just come in so let it cool a bit, top up the coolant and check anti-freeze strength and I’m outta here!
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