What have you been doing today?

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All your talk about cars..........

Tyre pressure light has been on for a while.
Tyres appeared fine.
Eventually, went to Tesco filling station, to stick a bit of air in.
NSR at 29 psi.
Stuck some air in and, seeing no obvious stuff pocking out of the tyre, crossed my fingers and got on with it.

Light came back on, a few days later.

Took this afternoon off and, among other errands, dropped into a tyre place in Lichfield as I could do with two fronts before the crappy weather of Jan onwards.
Thought I'd get them to check the rears too, in case they could find a slow puncture.

Ends up, its the valve.
Steel bodied (as it's a pressure sensor), which has reacted with the alloy wheel, and is now leaking.
Bloke advised me that Toyota would likely be as quick and cheap as they would.

Also, screenwash jets have suddenly become as powerful as a dehydrated octogenarian with a prostate problem.

Pulled the heat mat from the underside of the bonnet (to reveal the gubbins) to find the non-return check valve has split.
Ordered replacement from Amazon - £6 - although when it gets here, will be anyone's guess.
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Bloke advised me that Toyota would likely be as quick and cheap as they would.
I’d be surprised if any main dealer would get involved with tyres/tyre repairs. Those jobs are usually run down to their local tyre centre and they just double the price.
Perhaps, but he said they hold more common stuff like Merc and Beemer, so them just getting Toyota would bump the price
Went on the last shoot before Christmas. Haven’t done one for a month because it’s run by a group of young farmers and they’ve been busy with the run up to Christmas. Pheasants were coming out of the brambles like we have never seen before. At one point a Hare ran out too. Susie gave chase but soon realised she had no chance so gave up. Also saw a Tawney Owl plus, out of a thicket, came a Muntjac Deer, not much bigger than the dogs. That thing bloody shifted quicker than the Hare!
Did a bit of shopping for Christmas. I must be a Grinch, as every time I looked at something, I was like, "How much???"

Went to Lakeland. Every Christmas, we would buy some plain NZ licorice and some Charbonnel et Walker hot chocolate in a tin. Also looked for some lids for our mason jars: ours have gone manky.

They had none of those things, but, as far as the choc was concerned did have a lesser brand at some ridiculous price.

Next to JL. Again, no C&W chocolate. Plenty of their truffles, the most expensive costing £152.40/ kg.

I saw a spice kit in a tin I thought might make a good present. I couldn't see a shelf-edge label, so asked an assistant....£35.

Taking the pee....

Everything is so ridiculously overpriced.

Am I just a mean old Grinch?
Did my usual swim early this morning. Nothing unusual about that but there’s a bloke there that goes around the same time as me and he’s normally in the mixed communal showers at the end of his session. He's a tri-athlete - he has the tattoo of swimming, running and cycling on his calf. Anyway, he wears these Lycra cycling shorts to swim in. Thing is, in the showers, he gets a handful of liquid soap, sticks his hand down the back of his shorts and gives his arse a bloody good wash - he makes a right meal of it too, building up a good lather before stretching his shorts out to allow the shower to rinse him off. He then repeats it down the front of his shorts on his cock and balls. All the time this is going on he will be having a conversation with whoever is in the showers at the same time. This morning though, just as he filled his palm with soap and was about to delve into his arse crack, a woman who had finished her swim walked into the showers. He quickly changed tack and washed his hair again and started a conversation with her when she mentioned his tri-athlete tattoo. Seems it’s only men he is comfortable washing himself in front of. I think I might have to keep eye on him and get out of the pool at a different time.
Pulling one of the two LG TV's apart, to see what's wrong with it - remote iffy, USB HDD iffy, wifi connection iffy/ to dead - live Freeview reception perfect.

This was one in the main bedroom, so I simply swapped it for the identical LG, almost unused, in the back bedroom.

I had in mind, a poor connection between the I/O pcb, and the main pcb, so thought to try unplug and replug everything in the back. What a job, getting the back off, to even get in it - badly tore a thumb nail in the process. I thought if I unplug, replug one, I might as well do them all. All different connector styles. My first attempt I lost half the screen display, got that sorted on second attempt. Checked it would connect to internet, that worked fine, remote seemed fine too, but it complained that the HDD wasn't formatted - I'll tackle that later.

Before I started, Avril said Freeview works, she would leave it at that - not my way, it's a smart set, the smarts need to work.
As we have the family round for Xmas dinner, I was piddling about getting the locks to work on the bathroom and downstairs bog. The hinges had worn on the downstairs bog and the door had dropped, making the lock out of alignment. Needs new hinges but temporarily, I packed three layers of cardboard behind the lower hinge to align the door again and that cured the problem. It’s what I call a permanent temporary repair. ;) Before I could start on the bathroom, I had a call from Mrs Mottie telling me a warning light had come on on the A3 telling her that the right rear tyre pressure was low. She was on her way from work to her mums to look after her. She had pulled into a garage and I told her to just put 40psi into it. I then drove down to her mums n Wickford and checked the tyre - couldn’t see anything in it so I reset the tpms and took it home. I’ll take the wheel off give it a thorough check over tomorrow - if I find anything on it, I’ll have to run it up to the workshop and repair it. I only fitted a new set of tyres all round about a month ago and at near on a ton per corner, I don’t want that one to be run while flat and ruin it beyond repair.
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