What have you been doing today?

Ended up in A&E last week after a visit to an osteopath as my shoulder had popped out of the joint again. This time it would not go back so osteopath writes me a letter and off I go. Turns out that 40 years of my shoulder dislocating has destroyed the joint and its now bone on bone. I was told that I need a new joint. No other treatment is viable.
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I was told to book with the receptionist when leaving for an appointment with the in-surgery physiotherapist but when I tried, I was told he's on paternity leave for another month. Bloody workers rights! ;)
I was told to book with the receptionist when leaving for an appointment with the in-surgery physiotherapist but when I tried, I was told he's on paternity leave for another month. Bloody workers rights! ;)

I'll swap my hip for your shoulder. ;)
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I have a thumpy shoulder. It has been dislocated many times, if I lift my arm into a certain position, I can feel it threatening to pop out, then when I move my arm back, it thinks back into position.
Yesterday, went for a brief stroll at Etherow Country Park up to the weir.


Looking for marriage cert, wife needs it for her council pension, it was always in a KitKat tin in my filing cabinet, opened it and it was empty, we did have a big sort out last year, anybodies guess!
Started off with a shìt day. Literally. The bastid fox that’s been crapping on my drive, down my side alley, by my back gate and in front of my garage decided to crap on my front door mat last night and I trod in it. Had to wash that down with dettol. Where's he going to crap next?


Walking the dogs and the two sisters graced us with a synchronised shìt!


Did my bit for the neighbourhood this afternoon by digging over a patch of ground that the council had just cleared of weeds and I planted some daffodil bulbs. The ladies up the top planted some shrubs there too and I’ve put out a request for more plants. We're going to adopt it to brighten the road up - this'll be the third community patch we have. Again, I found a large knife hidden at the base of that tree stump - I found one last year when I was litter picking the same area. I binned it. While I was at it, I gave the post box a once-over with a soapy rag. Done my dicky shoulder a power of good - not!

Been over the allotment this morning. Trimmed and staked my cabbages and sprouts. Emptied one compost bin - amazed at how well all the plants and cuttings in there had broken down. Cleared, weeded and dug over three beds and covered with compost. Planted my garlic, red and brown onions.

I was going to get on to a hedgehog trust to ask about the possibility of rehoming hedgehogs on our allotment but today I saw signs of badger activity. They dig a hole in the ground and poop in it. They won’t let you rehome hedgehogs if you have badgers as the badger will kill the hogs. Probably why we don’t have any over there. :(
Been over to my local aero club, to buy my first few litres of Jet A1, for the diesel heater I installed in my outdoor workshop. I had it running great on white diesel, but white is expensive. I was unable to find any red locally, kero/ heating oil at 60p per litre would have been OK, but the few suppliers I could find, where they had a pump, wanted more than the cost of white diesel per litre, plus the many miles to collect it.

Aero clubs Jet A1, is 94p per litre, so I collected 20L this morning, saving me 41.9p per litre on the cost of white. I had to fill a form in, at the flight desk, and dodge a few whirling props, on route to the bowser, but all good. Since then, I've had it running on test on the jet fuel, and it's indistinguishable from the white and perfectly legal to use for the purpose.
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