What have you been doing today?

Serviced a mates car today. Don't charge him (other than for the price of the parts) because he’s a good mate and does me plenty of favours. He did give me though, two bottles of wine and….. a kilo bag of dry roasted peanuts! He's suddenly found a liking for them and buys them in bulk from Amazon.

Came home and Mrs Mottie had been having a clearout of the wardrobes and getting winter clothes out and packing summer ones away. She found two coats of mine that I’d completely forgotten about!


The waterproof one on the left I thought I’d left somewhere and replaced that two or three years ago. The one on the right, going by the map of Versailles found in the pocket, was last used in December 2017 when we went there for my birthday!

Just killing time at the moment. Went up Sainsburys to do a weekly shop and found I had left my phone at home with my nectar and bank card on it so had to come back home as whilst it’s 2 hours free parking, there’s no return within an hour and there are cameras that catch you going in and out. Plenty of people have been caught by them. Mrs Mottie had just gone out to a mates leaving do so I couldn’t even go back in the other car as she’s out in it.

Going to watch the last episode of Slow Horses and then go back out.
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Had my COVID and flu jabs this morning, around 08:30. Arms are aching a bit now.

Still waiting for my 48 hour parcel that was sent out by CPC before 12:00 on the 8th.

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Just popped over the plot and did a bit of harvesting. Pumpkins (both Big Max and ghost) that I've grown for our grandkids and nieces, leeks, butternut squash, aubergines, peppers, a whole chilli plant and a sprig of Rosemary for our lamb tomorrow.

Went over our daughters and her husbands new house in North London for lunch this afternoon. Took the dog and we had a nice walk over their local country park.

Went to another cancer fundraising quiz night tonight and despite being joint first after just one round, it was downhill all the way after that and we came stone last but to be fair, due to illness, holidays and sickness, our usual team of 8 were down to just 3! Only consolation was that I won first prize in the raffle and I won Mrs Mottie a Jo Malone gift set. Still, £705 was raised for a worthwhile cause and everyone had a good time so all good really.
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Found a half leg of lamb in the freezer with a use by date of April 2nd that we would have presumably frozen before that date. Should be okay to eat - no funny smells when defrosted. I prepped it with garlic slices and rosemary and it’s slow roasting in the oven now. Too much for two of us so Sunday roast today and there’ll be plenty left over for a lamb curry or two in the week.

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Up at 4.00 taking ibuprofen and paracetemol to ease the pain of my shoulder muscle that I tore last week moving a dresser 4” round my mums to plug a telly in. Was getting better until I took a t-shirt off and it felt like someone had chopped half my shoulder away. It literally brought me to my knees and at one point I asked Mrs Mottie to cut the shirt off. She just told me to get on with it - she's all sympathy sometimes! It’s okayish during the day but if I turn over in my sleep and lay on it for a while….feck me it hurts and wakes me up. I have to get up and dose myself up before going back to bed.
This was back in January. Still giving me grief - more so when taking a T shirt off, swinging a club or swimming. I get a definite 'thump' inside my shoulder so I went up and saw the doctor today. She thought it could be osteoarthritis but it’s not like it’s gradually come on, it came on when I tore something. She's going to send me for an X-ray/ultrasound. Might just have to live with it though.
This was back in January. Still giving me grief - more so when taking a T shirt off, swinging a club or swimming. I get a definite 'thump' inside my shoulder so I went up and saw the doctor today. She thought it could be osteoarthritis but it’s not like it’s gradually come on, it came on when I tore something. She's going to send me for an X-ray/ultrasound. Might just have to live with it though.

Are you sure, it's not what they call 'a frozen shoulder'. I got it, and it took months to heal, I think almost a year, before it was back to normal service - the right, in my case. I found myself, using my left, to take the weight of my right, off my shoulder, walking around. Using my left, to move the right arm. Then avoiding laying on that side, in bed.
I had a frozen shoulder a few years back, I wangled an operation in a private hospital under the NHS, check out 'frozen shoulder manipulation' videos, those of a nervous disposition need not apply! :eek: :ROFLMAO:
I had a frozen shoulder a few years back, I wangled an operation in a private hospital under the NHS, check out 'frozen shoulder manipulation' videos, those of a nervous disposition need not apply! :eek: :ROFLMAO:

Lucky you! After months of suffering it, I finally got a telephone appointment with the surgeries specialist. He then just emailed me some links to videos, for some exercises. Bloody useless!
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