What light switch? Alexa switch

23 Mar 2005
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United Kingdom
Hi guys and gals, need some help again please. I have a double switch in my hall way, with 1 switch doing the hall ways lights and 1 switch doing the landing lights... On the landing is a single switch for turning the landing lights on/off.
Looking to replace for alexa bseed switches off amazonanyhelp please on what I need exactly. Would it be 2 gang 2 way?
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They do ones which work without a neutral now, comes with some resistor, never heard of alexa smart bulbs though
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They do ones which work without a neutral now, comes with some resistor, never heard of alexa smart bulbs though
I have the smart bulbs in four of our lamps plus three outside lamps. I only have to say "Alexa, Hall/lounge/porch lights on/off” and that’s it. They are also set to come on a certain amount of time before dusk. You can also adjust the brightness by saying "Alexa, lounge lamps 60%” or whatever percentage you want to adjust the brightness. You just have remember to leave them permanently switched on though.
Mot tie so you never use the switches to turn them on/off
Sound like the easy way to go
Mot tie so you never use the switches to turn them on/off
Correct. You need to leave the lamps and switches permanently on. Control them through the Alexa app or voice command. If you have a Hive hub, you can control them when you are away from the house too.
And what happens if you do turn them off? Take it the won't work till turned back on physically.... Via alexa
Your big problem is that your downstairs switch probably has two lighting circuits.
Downstairs and upstairs. Thise smart switches only have one L feed. You can’t common up the Ls or use the downstairs L for the upstairs light.

You would need to have two SEPARATE switches.
Then you’ll need to find out how to engineer the two-way switching. Not something that is supported by most smart switches. If they do then you’ll need a master downstairs and a special slave switch upstairs.

Lots of pain for very little gain, in my opinion.
So forget the switches.... Would I still have the same issues with smart bulbs Taylor?
Your big problem is that your downstairs switch probably has two lighting circuits.
This is certainly the case with my house. I have smart bulbs, smart relays, and smart switches, both the Energenie and Tapo both will work with no neutral, Tapo uses a battery, and seem better than the Energenie in general. But as @Taylortwocities says, both need a single supply.

As to two-way, Energenie do a two-way version, you need to buy the master and slave as a pair, the remote control with Energenie does not need the switch to be connected to internet. Tapo (TP-Link) however does a button which looks like a light switch, so no real need for two-way to be hard-wired.

Using single switch and remote, you could set up like two-way, but I have found with Nest Mini's voice control means two-way switching is not required, but I do have around 9 mini speakers around the house.

Smart switches and relays will not colour change the bulbs, some can dim bulbs, but smart bulbs likely the best option.

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