When considering in or out:

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Well - if you think that considering the ******* and racists who voted this country down the tubes so that they could indulge their ignorant fantasies and hateful attitude to foreigners
You mean the 48%? The Remainers who prefer favouritism for majority-white Europeans, with their inward-looking Eurocentrism? It's lucky the egalitarian, globalist Leavers won.
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It was/is not that simple. Read the web site!
Up until about 1983, any BOT citizen, spouse of, grandchild of, could claim British citizenship. After that only those born in BOTs or their children could claim British citizenship. Since 2002, they are treated as aliens, are subject to immigration controls, and cannot live or work in UK.
Read the web site!

Why were they involved in OUR EU Referendum 96% voted to stay in EU.
The commission is accountable to the council, like the cabinet is accountable to the PM.
So why aren't you campaigning for that to change?

Or, better still, why aren't you leaving the country? You want to leave the EU because the commission is accountable to the council, like the cabinet is accountable to the PM, but you don't want to leave the UK because the the cabinet is accountable to the PM like the commission is accountable to the council?

You're a snowflake quitter, aren't you.

Being ruled by a soft tripartite government of resident Britons, in London, in one building, with the legislature directly accountable to the public electorate, is a concession many of us can live with (though personally I'd like to see more devolution).
Do you not remember how a citizen had to take the executive to court in order to get them to accept the right of the legislature to scrutinise them and hold them to account? And how that person was threatened with rape, and murder, and how mainstream newspapers described the judges as enemies of the people because they dared to consider the law?

Don't you dare try and claim that leavers are interested in democracy - that is demonstrably untrue.

By contrast a basically bipartite system (the comission has most of the legislative and all the exective power, and are only accountable to the Council), of multiple nationalities, in multiple buildings, in another country,
And there we have it.

You are a racist.

plus a judiciary that outranks even our own supreme court
In matters of EU law, yes.

How else could it work? If you ran a business here, and you felt that, say, an Italian competitor, or the French government, had broken the law and caused you damage, would you be perfectly happy to have no recourse beyond the Italian or French courts?

is a level of abstraction, a lack of transparency, and a remoteness that 52% of us object to. It doesn't matter how wise, honest and fair they may be (currently), it's simply not a form of government that we find palatable.
And there we have it.

Foreign ways of doing things Ξ bad, UK ways of doing things Ξ good.

You are a racist.

Oh, that and the goal of a united states of Europe that every President has waxed lyrical about so far...
Bring it on.
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So why aren't you campaigning for that to change?
1) Oh yeah, I can see that being really successful...
2) Clubs can run themselves how they like; that's the EU's prerogative. I don't go around joining clubs with the intention of changing them into a different club.

You want to leave the EU because the commission is accountable to the council, like the cabinet is accountable to the PM, but you don't want to leave the UK because the the cabinet is accountable to the PM like the commission is accountable to the council?
You're still ignoring the important point: The Commission has both the exectuive AND the legislative power. That's why it's different.

Do you not remember how a citizen had to take the executive to court in order to get them to accept the right of the legislature to scrutinise them and hold them to account?
That was an attempt by a disgruntled leaver to stop or stall Brexit, and it was constitutionally dubious (which I suspect would never have happened if we didn't now have a supreme court). I agree that the reaction from the DM and others was characteristically hysterical. But I don't see it as relevant to this dicussion; it was a domestic matter.

And there we have it. You are a racist.
The notion that a sovereign country should be goverened by residents of that country, is racist, is it? There we have it: you argument is built not upon reason but meaningless insults.

Bring it on.
You don't like diversity then? You would like to see Europe homogenised into a single, standardised, white Eurocentric nation, all the same, like you? You are a racist.
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Racists don't care about the facts - they just want to hate.
Ha ha, that's amusing coming from you, the man who hates all brexiters.

I loath and despise you with every fibre of my being, and I always will.
See what I mean? No facts behind your hatred of leave voters, you just want to hate.
By the way, it's loathe. Loath is something else.

So you hate brexiters. That's about 17 million people in this country. That's an awful lot of people you hate.

So the next, obvious question is:

why aren't you leaving the country?
Careful Blighty you'll have the **** telling us about his grandparents again.

Funny how blokes like BAS-tard are regarded as suffering from a spac-tism.................when it's everyone else does the suffering while they revel in it.
Why were they involved in OUR EU Referendum 96% voted to stay in EU.
You do not strike me as an uneducated person, so why not look up the answer for yourself.
Hint, it is, to do with the simple fact that Gibraltar is the only BOT actually in the EU, even though many others benefit from EU grants, etc. Yes, even the Falklands, Virgin Islands, etc receives EU grants!
They will of course lose those after Brexit.

BUT, they will also NOT be subject to EU tax investigations, which you would think would trouble some of those Brexiteers.
Yes, after Brexit, Cayman Islands, Virgin Islands, etc will not be subject to all those tax enquiries which they so despise. But that is what the far right wanted, of course, (suckers! Is that apprpriate? I think so! ) David Camerons's tax evasions will be beyond reproach.
Maybe even UK will become a tax haven. It has already been threatened by Mrs May.
It is what they voted for. If they could not see beyond a two fingered snub at the government, that is their own fault!
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Careful Blighty you'll have the **** telling us about his grandparents again.

Funny how blokes like BAS-tard are regarded as suffering from a spac-tism.................when it's everyone else does the suffering while they revel in it.
Grandparents? I shall take your word for it then that's not a good yarn.. !
Well after a great deal of thought & consideration :) Imho there are 3 camps with regards this brexit/EU caper

1) those who voted for Brexit , who are no longer prepared to bend over & lube up

2) The remainers who voted to stay in the EU , but except the democratic referendum result & are prepared to get on with it

3) the remoaner's who want to continue to bend over & lube up. they do not believe in democracy
or the democratic process.

extremists a potential danger to the UK ;) they should be put under state survalance ;) have there phones tapped , there mail intercepted ;) :):)

and if they continue to attempt to subvert democracy they should be warned that they may well be deported :LOL:
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You're still ignoring the important point: The Commission has both the exectuive AND the legislative power. That's why it's different.
You're still ignoring the important point. They don't. That's why you are a ******.

That was an attempt by a disgruntled leaver to stop or stall Brexit,
You are either stupid or a liar to say that. You choose which one you want and I'll withdraw and apologise for the other.

and it was constitutionally dubious
Apparently not, when examined by experts.

But I don't see it as relevant to this dicussion;
Of course you don't - it is only natural for you to dismiss the attempt by the executive to deny the legislature its sovereignty in the context of a process designed to restore its sovereignty as not relevant, as to do otherwise would involve recognising the executive's hypocrisy and desire to not be accountable.

The notion that a sovereign country should be goverened by residents of that country, is racist, is it?
1) We are not "governed" by "others" any more, or less, than Devon is governed by Surrey. We are in a union.
2) The UK is not "governed" by the residents of Austria any more than Austria is "governed" by the residents of the UK. We are in a union, and those who believe in it and want it consider that we are all we, not that it is us and them.
3) As soon as you start objecting to being in that union because there are "multiple nationalities" and some of the administrative and legislative functions take place in "another country" then yes, patently you ARE being racist.

There we have it: you argument is built not upon reason but meaningless insults.
My argument is based on reasons which you refuse to accept, like facts, and the truth.

My argument is based on being in favour of tolerance, freedom, of being an outward looking partner allied to and in a union with our 450 million nearest neighbours. A union in which we are equal, and in which we are active partners.

You don't like diversity then? You would like to see Europe homogenised into a single, standardised, white Eurocentric nation, all the same, like you? You are a racist.
I really don't think that the most exhaustive thesaurus in the world has enough alternatives to "stupid idiot" to even begin describing you.

A "United States of Europe" means an homogenised single, standardised, white Eurocentric nation? You stupid idiot.

And wanting all the nations to be in that union makes me a racist? You stupid, stupid, idiot.
Ha ha, that's amusing coming from you, the man who hates all brexiters.
I hate them because of their deliberate actions, their choice to wreck this country because of their own idiocy and/or racism.

Not because of where they were born.

See what I mean? No facts behind your hatred of leave voters, you just want to hate.
There are facts.

There is the fact that some of them voted to leave because they are racist.

There is the fact that some of them voted to leave because they believed incorrect things about the EU.

There is the fact that some of them voted to leave because they don't like the way the UK government has been treating them.

So you hate brexiters. That's about 17 million people in this country. That's an awful lot of people you hate.
It's a fraction of the number you hate. And I hate them because of their deliberate actions, their choice to wreck this country because of their own idiocy and/or racism.

You hate the whole of the EU because they are foreigners.
It's a shame you are so upset all the time BAS. Life is short. Don't take Brexit so badly. It's not your fault/doing.
It's been done to death before, but being anti-European people (the vast majority, anyway) is not racist.

Xenophobia in its true definition - irrational fear of foreigners.
Misoxenia ? - hatred of foreigners.

Of course, they will say they don't hate or fear them; they just don't want them in Britain.
I'm not sure what that is called.
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