When considering in or out:

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I am a Londoner.
I am an Englishman.
I am a UK Citizen.
I am an EU citizen.
I am an inhabitant of the world.

I do not see any need to create artificial distinctions between them, or to treat it all as a kind of zero-sum game in which if I want to gain EU citizenship I have to lose something else to make up for it.

Only racists and ******* hold to that view. Which are you?
You're the one who's blathering on about "your country", not me.
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It's a fraction of the number you hate. And I hate them because of their deliberate actions, their choice to wreck this country because of their own idiocy and/or racism.

You hate the whole of the EU because they are foreigners.
Who do I hate? Do I hate anyone? News to me.
Perhaps your own hatred is making you blind, least of all because you didn't read what I wrote properly.

I actually feel very sorry for you. I am so so glad I am me, not you.
I'm sorry.

I just find it hard not to be consumed with sadness about the tragedy that will be inflicted on my country, and hatred for the ******* and racists who were responsible for it.
I think you ought to go see someone. In all seriousness, I think you need help. This isn't healthy for you or others around you, no matter who they may have voted for.
Who do I hate? Do I hate anyone? News to me.
Perhaps your own hatred is making you blind, least of all because you didn't read what I wrote properly.

I actually feel very sorry for you. I am so so glad I am me, not you.

take any notice of that BAS fruit cake hes a nasty piece of work always has been ;):)
take any notice of that BAS fruit cake hes a nasty piece of work always has been ;):)
Does that mean the forum needs him to flounce off again and declare he won't come back unless apologised to? :)

Btw, I love that sort of thinking, shows how much growing up needs to be done... I mean, who in their right mind would give a rats if anyone left in a hissy fit?
Show me where I have "played the race card". He won't.

Sorry Noseall, but you have given the impression of playing the race card in earlier posts, by talking about brexiteers hating foreigners, and then calling them RWR. You'd already called people Right Wing, so the assumption was they were Right Wing Racists. It was only recently that you clarified the final R as being *******.
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