WHO does not rule out that virus started in a Lab

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John, I am sure you will be very pleased to hear that the AZ vaccine:

Works very well against the Kent variant
And reduces transmission by at least 65%

So go and crack open a beer and relax....it's Friday evening. :)
It is very good news, as is the results from Israel who are even further down the vaccination route than us and who are just starting to see the results of the vaccinations.
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Is that a brand new variant you speak of that has miraculously been found and is that the same vaccine that is 100% effective is it ?
No vaccine is 100% effective. So that solves that
Jesus I feel like I’m dealing with primary school kids.
Yes 65% means 100% now apparently

The count % on the basis of comparing infections in a control group against some who had the vaccine. Symptoms against no symptoms. Also check that they do have covid. A catch no one has mentioned is 1/3 of people don't have symptoms anyway. The test groups may or may not show that split. They test over an age range and include people with various conditions. AZ have bad luck with over 65's as it seems none in the had it group caught covid. Catching it is a random event and depends how much is about. So they also look at immunity levels and find they are broadly similar across all people who have had the vaccine and also note that nobody who had the vaccine finished up in hospital. Another lot that finished testing rather recently had better luck as they were testing when infection rates were high and there were some mutations around as well. They come up with a higher immunity levels. That could just be down to luck. AZ looked at a group that for some reason had a 1/2 dose and find different results. The WHO wants to see 50% or more.

The word immunity is a bit weird following a vaccination. No one know what the effect it has until some one catches what ever it's for. They prime the immune system but we can still catch it. Nothing unusual about that. We don't get exposed to what we are usually vaccinated for very often. It can make diseases die down and eventually become extinct. Once vaccinated people recover quicker which can reduces spreading rates.

Our immune systems react differently to vaccinations. On covid, the common cold and flu once we have "immunity" we don't retain it for ever. Even from catching it. People who have it from catching it can still carry virus again via re infection that means they can re infect others but transmission rates are likely to be lower. The same is likely to apply to people who have been vaccinated and then catch it. Time will tell and some effect on transmission is expected anyway. The vaccines are all intended to produce a strong immune response. Feeling rough on and off after one is expected. I am.

Whitty's commented on what he expects a few days ago. There still will be some hospitalisation but it should only be for oxygen. Other sources reckon he has also said that we may have to put up with some deaths. That would probably be in the enquiry they have been holding since it started. Results from the first wave suggests their will be some deaths in the under 50's anyway so the main thing is what happens with the over 50's and all wont be vaccinated for some time yet. 2nd vaccination for those that have had one jab are also some time away. Some of the 70's group should have had their 2nd some time in April. A max of 12 weeks has become the norm due to supply and maybe giving them.
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Is that a brand new variant you speak of that has miraculously been found and is that the same vaccine that is 100% effective is it ?
No vaccine is 100% effective. So that solves that
Jesus I feel like I’m dealing with primary school kids.
Yes 65% means 100% now apparently

John, you are confusing 2 different things.

the Covid vaccines purpose is to protect people from getting very ill or dying.

The 65% figure I mentioned was that vaccinated people are less likely to transmit the virus.
John, you are confusing 2 different things.

the Covid vaccines purpose is to protect people from getting very ill or dying.

The 65% figure I mentioned was that vaccinated people are less likely to transmit the virus.
And for that 65% is pretty damned good. Covid-19 has an R0 (rate of spread under normal circumstances) of something like 2.6-3. A 65% reduction in spread and universal vaccination would mean the virus would have an effective R of around 1.

Or in other words, even slight controls would be enough to drive the virus extinct. No controls at all (a return to normal) would make outbreaks small and slow, and low risk enough for isolation and small scale containment.

Of course we won't get universal vaccination, even in the UK let alone globally. So it's not going to be extinguished but being able to return to normal is a big thing.
Jesus I feel like I’m dealing with primary school kids.
Of course we won't get universal vaccination, even in the UK let alone globally. So it's not going to be extinguished but being able to return to normal is a big thing.

Surprise surprise the aim is to do that but much depends on how things go. As that does seem to be the aim they don't seem to expect it to go away but turn out to be much like flu and the common cold. Seasonal to some extent but possible at any time of the year. Mutations might help or hinder. Having it ticking around in the back ground isn't a good idea at all.

I don't have a problem feeling positive about the outlook as something is being done about it. Badly in some cases at times but that can improve.

It's the some sort of birthday of another pandemic of sorts. AIDS. 35 millions died, 37million live with it and 22 million are being treated for it. 77 million caught it. If it spread as covid does climate problems would be solved.

There is no saying what the end toll would be with covid considering immunity doesn't last and people age.
Had your bah mitzvah yet?
And for that 65% is pretty damned good. Covid-19 has an R0 (rate of spread under normal circumstances) of something like 2.6-3. A 65% reduction in spread and universal vaccination would mean the virus would have an effective R of around 1.

Or in other words, even slight controls would be enough to drive the virus extinct. No controls at all (a return to normal) would make outbreaks small and slow, and low risk enough for isolation and small scale containment.

Of course we won't get universal vaccination, even in the UK let alone globally. So it's not going to be extinguished but being able to return to normal is a big thing.
We will never return to normality as such !
Mental age.9...If you are anywhere near 50 it is tine to let your conspiracy theory past go..Maybe take a degree in Science or at least an A level in statistical analysis, errors etc..
I’m not a betting man but I’d gladly put a grand on the fact if we were face to face you would be shaking like a ****ting dog so take your trolling elsewhere as your getting boring.
Nothing what you say adds to the discussion,all you do is throw abuse around.
I’m not a betting man but I’d gladly put a grand on the fact if we were face to face you would be shaking like a ****ting dog
Why would that be then?Are you given to attacking people? Your neanderthal streak is very clear from all you say...You prove everyday what a brainless idiot you are.Threats of violence do not worry me in the slighest.
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