...this is extraordinary weather than it is not economically sensible to cater for.
So dispite the EA's own computer models saying dredging would "significanly reduce" flooding, we have......
The graph makes clear that last month’s rainfall was not unusual in any way. Since 1910, it ranks as the 19th wettest, in other words a once every 5 year event. The rain in December does not even compare with years such as 1934, when 307mm was recorded. In fact, it is noticeable that all of the really wet Decembers occurred prior to 1970.
(Flooding started in december FYI)
...that those who buy property on flood plains with all the plusses that gives, including lower house prices, glorious views etc., should just accept and prepare themselves for potential flooding.
Such places used to pay a local water board to manage these issues, these were abolished by the government (against local residents wishes) to replace with the EA, who then stopped doing the work.
But clearly they must "accept" the flooding.
...that a one of exceptional meteorological event does not in itself tie in with global warming
It's rain, you can go on the met office website to see the current weather is nothing exceptional.
In short, HURR DURR.
Hurr Durr.......To quote AronSearle earlier 'What are you going on about' ??