Whose fault is the flooding?

But those who are flooded in, think of it as a mega chellenge to build flood proof houses, I am sure new problems can result in new innovations, water tight doors, and windows like a submarine,

Hmm, nice one Mike.. So when your house is under 3ft of water and your safe inside,,,, Just exactly how do you get out? (without flooding the ground floor? ) :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
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someone to blame other than natural forces. I say again, if I buy a property on a potential flood plain then that is my choice, my risk, my responsibility if it all goes **** up. No one else's but mine....professionals advise but I make the decision.....end of.

Are you really that dense, really?

If you move onto a flood plain, and you employ someone to manage the water levels, and they choose not to carry out basic maintenence work.

You wouldnt blame them?

If your roof leaks, you would accept the maintenence man simply saying "well, don't blame me for the rain".

If no one had been apointed to manage the levels, you would be right, but that is simply false and this is the foundation for your argment.
But those who are flooded in, think of it as a mega chellenge to build flood proof houses, I am sure new problems can result in new innovations, water tight doors, and windows like a submarine,

Hmm, nice one Mike.. So when your house is under 3ft of water and your safe inside,,,, Just exactly how do you get out? (without flooding the ground floor? ) :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Perhaps a better option would be a houseboat which is, of course, a house that floats.

I suppose it would be difficult to connect it to essential services, as in a real house, although not impossible.

Under most circumstances it could sit on the ground, as a normal house, connected to electrical services, water supply, sewage pipes and possibly even gas. It should not be beyond the wit of man to design connections that could, if necessary, be safely yet quickly removed by suitably qualified personnel or even the householders themselves. Caravan owners seem to manage.
I must admit, I lied when i said I live on top of a hill called harold on the Hill! , I am no more than a mile perhaphs from the river Rodding, but its current levels are normal. and no warnings have been issued, it falls into the Thames. There are more flood hit areas along the thames, and those barriers aren't good because though they keep the high tide away, but then you can't open them to allow the rain water to go out! pumping across the barriers is the answer, but as far as I know tyhere are no pumps big enough to drain away the thames out to sea whilst the barriers keep inflowing waters out from the English Channel.

River rodding water levels are at very safe level so no flooding risk:
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The EA's own computer models say it would have significantly affected the outcome, you can keep claiming "it wouldnt do anything", but that's your opinion based upon?

Oh right, nothing......
I have read enough articles on the subject of dredging to know that you are wrong. Dredging will not solve major flooding.
Just because you prefer to fluff up your posts with pompous blather does not make them correct. Nor particularly convincing.

The E.A. and other experts explicitly say that you are wrong.

Rivers to a degree are self scouring in any case.
The prognosis for climate change is unpredictability. The jet stream is all over the shop. One hundred year events are becoming five year events. Wettest, coldest, hottest, driest, windiest etc.

Only a fool disregards climate change today. It's pretty rare to find a forum full of deniers. Most forums have intelligent people posting.
A picture I took some years ago in Shakespeare Country. I'll let it speak for itself. ..

A picture I took some years ago in Shakespeare Country. I'll let it speak for itself. ..

doesn't tell the whole story so cant be taken in isolation
there may have a narrow bridge in 1901 that caused that level or subsequent measure to reduce the flooding
you can only compare like with like ;)
I have read enough articles on the subject of dredging to know that you are wrong.

Yet you post no links to anything, curious that.

Dredging will not solve major flooding.

Moving the goalpoasts will not help you, it manages it, reduces it vastly, reduces the duration, nobody ever claimed it will "solve" it.

Rivers to a degree are self scouring in any case.

Ok, well you had better inform the netherlands of this, they could do with your expertise, it would save them all the money of having to maintain the lowlands, all those existing drainage boards in the UK that managed to survive the government can also be closed down, clearly they are not needed, what a waste of hundreds of years of effort to keep the lowlands clear, it clearly wasnt needed :LOL:
A picture I took some years ago in Shakespeare Country. I'll let it speak for itself. ..

doesn't tell the whole story so cant be taken in isolation
there may have a narrow bridge in 1901 that caused that level or subsequent measure to reduce the flooding
you can only compare like with like ;)
There's a similar one at Worcester and other places I've been to. Floods are nothing new and have been happening long before mankind's evil influence.
The prognosis for climate change is unpredictability. The jet stream is all over the shop. One hundred year events are becoming five year events. Wettest, coldest, hottest, driest, windiest etc.

Only a fool disregards climate change today. It's pretty rare to find a forum full of deniers. Most forums have intelligent people posting.
Do you have a theory as to why these events are occurring now when the average global temperature has reduced in the last 15 years? Regardless of whether that phenomenon has anything to do with global warming or not. And why would recent historic similar events have occurred when temperatures were lower still? These are reasonable questions for an enquiring mind. Or you could just accept everything you are told without question, if that would make you feel more intelligent.

These ranged from Policy 1, covering areas where flood defences should be improved, down to 6, where, in the name of "biodiversity", the policy should be to "take action to increase the frequency of flooding". The paper placed the Somerset Levels firmly under Policy 6, where the intention was quite deliberately to allow more flooding.

When Lord Smith weakly tries to complain that this was only because rules set by the Treasury wouldn't allow his organisation to spend £4 million on dredging the river Parrett, which flows through the Levels, the victims of the policy point to the Environment Agency's willingness to see £31 million spent on allowing the sea to flood hundreds of acres of prime farmland on the nearby Somerset coast, to create another habitat for birds.
The prognosis for climate change is unpredictability. The jet stream is all over the shop. One hundred year events are becoming five year events. Wettest, coldest, hottest, driest, windiest etc.

Only a fool disregards climate change today. It's pretty rare to find a forum full of deniers. Most forums have intelligent people posting.
Do you have a theory as to why these events are occurring now when the average global temperature has reduced in the last 15 years? Regardless of whether that phenomenon has anything to do with global warming or not. And why would recent historic similar events have occurred when temperatures were lower still? These are reasonable questions for an enquiring mind. Or you could just accept everything you are told without question, if that would make you feel more intelligent.

Show us the world temperatures for the past 15 years then. (he won't).
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