Why Are There So Many Lesbians Now?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 18243
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Are you like this in real life? I've been polite, respectful and you just become abusive.
Hateful andy the racist is a (wannabee) far right extremist and has a track record of posting misogynistic, anti-gay, anti-Muslim bile. He deserves zero respect and is in no position to consider any person 'normal'. He has zero clue what it is.
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That's an interesting opinion.

What do you think is an accurate word to use of someone with a cock and balls, male hormones, and male physique?

Do you think women on a lesbian dating site are looking for someone with a cock and balls, male hormones, and male physique?
In this woke/nonsense world we are being dragged into, such a statement is regarded as a hate incident and would be recorded.
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You managed to undermine your own OP with that statement.
How? I've noticed an increase in the number of lesbians but they are still a minority, lesbianity is still not the norm for women.
Hateful andy the racist is a (wannabee) far right extremist and has a track record of posting misogynistic, anti-gay, anti-Muslim bile. He deserves zero respect and is in no position to consider any person 'normal'. He has zero clue what it is.
Good morning Noseall, do please calm down. Happy Easter, have a great day.
"why so many" sez yu, then go on to spurt nonsense about 'normal' and 'minority' without regard to a definition of normal in any meaningful context. What seems normal to you during a typical day in your life isn't the same for anyone else.
lesbianity is still not the norm for women.
At what stage to you consider any woman abnormal? For all intents and purposes, a gay person is exactly the same as a straight person. Or is this a visual thing for you?
At what stage to you consider any woman abnormal? For all intents and purposes, a gay person is exactly the same as a straight person. Or is this a visual thing for you?
I thought I had already answered that (the meaning of normal and why it isn’t an insult) in posts 77 and 84. You should read things more slowly, and read again and, if necessary, yet again to make sure you understand.

I haven't used the word abnormal, that has negative connotations. You brought that word up to misrepresent me, John D style.
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